Tasks pile up, deadlines loom, and the mental clutter begins to block any forward momentum. If you’re a chronic procrastinator, this scenario likely sounds all too familiar. But what if there was a way to switch gears and unblock your mind, enabling you to break free from the procrastination cycle? Here’s how you can do just that.

Understanding the procrastination trap

Before diving into solutions, it’s important to understand why procrastination happens in the first place. For many entrepreneurs and innovators, procrastination is not about laziness or poor time management; it’s rooted in deeper psychological responses such as fear of failure, perfectionism, or even the overwhelming desire to succeed. The paradox of choice—having too many options—can also contribute to decision paralysis, where the fear of making the wrong choice leads to no choice at all. This sends o0ur entire nervous system in a state of freeze.

In the world of startups and innovation, where the stakes are high, and the pressure is constant, these underlying issues can become exacerbated, leading to a chronic state of freeze and procrastination behaviours. Recognising this is the first step towards overcoming it.

Switch your response from: Freeze to Ease

"Switching" is a technique that we designed to help you break free from unhelpful thoughts and mental chatter that often lead to procrastination. Instead of getting stuck in your head, "switching" involves shifting your focus back to your body, using your nervous system to recenter yourself. Essentially, it helps you move out of the unproductive loops of overthinking by tuning into your physical sensations—things like your breath, the feeling of your feet on the ground, or the tension in your muscles.

This process activates physical pathways that naturally calm your mind, making it easier to think clearly and take action. By refocusing on your body, you not only interrupt the cycle of procrastination but also create a mental environment that's more focused, accurate, and productive. "Switching" turns your attention away from the thoughts that keep you stuck and grounds you in the present moment, helping you move forward with greater ease and clarity.

First switch your body: 2 simple exercises

Exercise: Reset your mind by resetting your posture

Our posture reflects how we're feeling whether we are stuck, angry or at ease and present. By changing your posture, you can break free from procrastination patterns and shift your mind. 

  1. Pause and observe: Take a moment to notice your current mood, the shape of your posture, and where you might be holding tension in your body.
  2. Stretch like a cat: Imagine you’re a cat waking up from a nap. Spend 30 seconds moving and stretching your entire body—your face, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, torso, hips, legs, feet, and toes. Take your time with this.
  3. Adjust your posture: Now, guide your body into an upright power posture. Make sure your spine is straight, your shoulders are open yet relaxed, and your head is comfortably aligned with your chin held high. Take up as much space with your body as you can. 
  4. Check in again: Now, notice how your mood, and tension levels have changed. How do you feel now compared to when you started? Notice how much more ready you are now to tackle your tasks.

Exercise: Awaken your body to reset your mind

This quick exercise is designed to help you engage your body, clear your mind, and break free from procrastination. By physically activating your muscles, you can reset your mental state and refocus on the tasks ahead. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Find a wall: Stand in front of a sturdy wall that you can safely press against.
  2. Stand tall: Position yourself with feet shoulder-width apart and your posture upright.
  3. Push against the wall: Place your hands flat against the wall at shoulder height. Lean your body weight into the wall as you bend your elbows, pressing into the wall with controlled force. Bend your elbows only as far as is comfortable for you.
  4. Hold the position: Maintain this position for up to 10 seconds, feeling the activation in your arms, shoulders, and chest.
  5. Rest: Step back, relax your arms, and take a deep breath.
  6. Engage your core: Return to the wall, push against it again, and this time, lift one knee toward your belly button, engaging your core muscles. Hold for a few seconds, then switch legs.
  7. Repeat: Perform this exercise up to five times, alternating legs.
  8. Notice the change: After completing the exercise, take a moment to notice how your body feels. You may find that you’re more alert, focused, and ready to tackle your work.

This simple wall push exercise is a powerful way to reset both your body and mind. By engaging your muscles and switching your mind from a state of freeze to a focus on the physical sensations you’re activating in your body, you interrupt unhelpful thought patterns and bring yourself back to the present moment. 

Then Switch Your Mind: Embrace imperfection and leverage tools to stay on track

One of the most effective ways to unblock your mind and overcome procrastination is to switch your mindset from striving for perfection to focusing on progress. In the fast-paced world of tech and innovation, the concept of “failing fast” is often championed. This philosophy encourages rapid iteration and learning from mistakes, rather than getting stuck in the pursuit of perfection. For chronic procrastinators, this shift can be incredibly liberating. Start by setting smaller, more manageable goals instead of overwhelming yourself with the pressure of achieving a perfect outcome. Break your projects into bite-sized tasks that you can complete quickly. The satisfaction of accomplishing these smaller tasks can create a positive feedback loop, motivating you to continue moving forward. Progress, not perfection, is what ultimately drives innovation and long-term sustainable success.

In addition to embracing this mindset, it’s crucial to leverage technology to keep yourself on track. There’s no shortage of tools available to help entrepreneurs manage time and stay productive. Project management software like Trello or Asana can help you break down your projects into tasks, set deadlines, and track your progress. Distraction-blocking apps like Freedom can help you stay focused by minimizing interruptions. These tools provide the structure and discipline needed to overcome procrastination. By combining a progress-focused mindset with the right tools, you can create an environment that supports productivity and reduces the temptation to procrastinate. This approach not only helps you stay on top of your work but also encourages continuous growth and innovation, driving your business forward with greater momentum.

From guilt to accountability

Procrastination often leads to feelings of guilt and frustration, making it even harder to stay focused and productive. However, turning guilt into accountability can be a powerful way to overcome procrastination. Instead of letting guilt weigh you down, use it as a signal to seek support and build accountability into your routine.

Accountability can be a game-changer, particularly for those who struggle with procrastination. Whether it’s a mentor, a business partner, or a peer group, having someone to hold you accountable can significantly improve your ability to stay on task and complete projects. When you know someone else is tracking your progress, you’re more likely to push through procrastination and take action.

Consider joining a mastermind group or finding an accountability partner who understands your challenges and can offer encouragement and feedback. Regular check-ins with someone you trust can help keep you on track, transforming the guilt of procrastination into a proactive force for productivity. This shift not only helps you stay focused but also builds a supportive environment where you can thrive.

Final thoughts: Embrace action over inaction

Procrastination is a common challenge for entrepreneurs, startups, and innovators, but it doesn’t have to be a permanent roadblock. By switching your mindset, embracing tools and techniques that promote productivity, and fostering accountability, you can switch your mind from frozen to in control–and start taking meaningful action towards your goals.

Remember, the key to overcoming procrastination is not to wait for the perfect moment or the ideal circumstances, but to take small, consistent steps forward. Whether it’s through switching your mind or your nervous system,, the goal is to create change, momentum and to then maintain it. In the dynamic and competitive world we live in, action and support on how to get you to stay consistent with it is your greatest ally. Don’t let procrastination hold you back—switch gears, unblock your mind, and move forward with confidence.

Jennifer Mann is the co-author of The Secret Language of the Body, out now (£16.99), and co-founder of Somia International.