News par Chelsea Maffia
écrit le 21 August 2024
21 August 2024
Temps de lecture : 5 minutes
5 min
En partenariat avec Nurture Network

Guilt-free gaming and guilt-free learning with Play Morgan Studios

Ahead of the Nurture Network event in September we spoke to Chelsea Maffia of Play Morgan Studios about speaking at the event, making learning accessible and engaging and why working culture should be inclusive, dynamic and holistic.
Temps de lecture : 5 minutes

You will be speaking at Nurture Network, what are your hopes and expectations for the event and how does your involvement make you feel?

Speaking at Nurture Network is an incredible opportunity to support and inspire fellow women entrepreneurs. My hopes for the event are centred around providing support and inspiration to the women in the audience, helping them feel less isolated on their entrepreneurial journeys. Often, the path of a businesswoman can feel solitary, and I am looking forward to hearing and sharing experiences and insights that can help reassure people - they are not alone. Being involved in this event fills me with immense pride, it has provided me with an opportunity to reflect on my struggles and experiences and look at them from an eye of gratitude - without them I'd be pretty boring and not have much to talk about, now I have these stories and this wealth of experience that can help others to for example stay resilient in the face of challenges and how to prevent burnout.

What was the catalyst for launching Play Morgan Studios?

The catalyst for launching Play Morgan Studios was a combination of personal need and a proactive mindset. What started as a passion project for myself and my son quickly grew into something more. I wanted to learn a second language but found myself struggling with the existing tools. I have always been an ‘I’ll do it myself’ type of person, so when I kept asking myself ‘why don’t they do this’ or ‘why hasn’t someone made XYZ’, I turned to myself and asked ‘why haven't you made it’.  My background was in project management, particularly in the construction industry and so I approached building the business much like managing the build of a new house or a block of flats from scratch. It was a natural progression that turned a personal challenge into a business opportunity.

Tell me about the business - what it is, what it aims to achieve?  

Play Morgan Studios exists to entertain and educate in ways that resonate with current interests and trends. Our mission is to simplify subjects that often seem difficult to understand, making learning both accessible and enjoyable. By aligning our educational content with what people are already passionate about, we create an engaging learning experience that is both effective and fun - reigniting a passion for learning!

Tell us about the working culture at Play Morgan Studios

We are a very small international, remote, and cross-functional team. Our team includes members from ethnic minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, and individuals with disabilities. Our work culture is built on the principles of failing fast, prioritising collaboration, and an 'argue until we find a solution' mantra. The culture is inclusive, dynamic and holistic, it allows us to innovate continuously and ensure everyone is included.

What is your favourite thing about being a founder?

One of my favourite things about being a founder is the autonomy it provides. I love being able to create a space where people can do what they love. During our "crazy 8s" and creative meetings, the smiles on my team's faces and the energy that radiates, albeit through the computer screen is unmatched!

What’s in store for the future?

We are currently taking a step back to slow down and perfect our processes. This period of reflection and refinement is crucial for achieving sustainable, long-term success. By mastering our current operations, we aim to build a solid foundation for future growth. Expect to see new products and very exciting collaborations in the near future!

What one piece of advice would you give other founders or future founders?

My advice to other founders and future founders is to make it a priority to find balance. The "sleep when you're dead" mentality is outdated and unsustainable, build a great team who understands this too or set up processes that embody balance because.. life happens!

And finally, a more personal question! What’s your daily routine and the rules you’re living by at the moment?

As a solo parent with a toddler, my daily routine is designed to manage a busy life efficiently. Slow mornings are essential, allowing me to settle into the day with a mindset that enables me to adapt to the days peaks and valleys that come with the work. I have a strong belief that prevention is better than cure, I ensure both my son and I eat well and start the day hydrated and most importantly calmly. We also never leave without making our beds and tidying up our home, so returning feels peaceful and relaxing and eliminates additional work after a long day. I also live by the rules of never putting something off for more than two days and making space to prioritise my health and maintaining a work-life balance that works for me.

Chelsea Maffia is the CEO and cofounder of Play Morgan Studios.

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