In its 10 years of existence, Maddyness has seen the startup ecosystem shape and develop.

We’ve been able to tell great success stories and see real entrepreneurial adventures emerge. The investment world has also become more structured: while a few investors brought the ecosystem to its genesis (a fundraising of a few hundred thousand euros could make the front page of Maddyness), today there are hundreds of VCs who participate in the emergence of innovative solutions. But the period is difficult, marked by a crisis of financing… It therefore seemed essential to us to offer investment structures a place of choice on Maddyness, to strengthen our links and help them grow ever more in order to structure our ecosystem.

We have thus decided to launch MDVC, a database of investors who matter to find one’s way in the teeming world of investment and to distinguish the expertise of each player, show their successes, and provide data. Investment funds, family offices or communities of investors who wish to do so can turn to our team to enrich their page as part of personalised support. This digital showcase will offer them visibility to capture the potential interest of both Limited Partners (those who invest in funds) and that of entrepreneurs. MDVC will also make it easier for investment structures to reach Maddyness' ultra-qualified readership.

A showcase with detailed and verified funds information

For entrepreneurs, MDVC will become an essential tool when it comes to fundraising. They will be able to find out the investment thesis of the target fund, the type of startup in which they wish to invest, have a global vision of their portfolio but also identify the key people within the structure, contact them, understand their differences. Beyond the data, we also got the real ambassadors of the funds to speak: the entrepreneurs.

Already more than 10 partners

You can already consult the digital showcases of our first partners: Bpifrance Digital Venture, Super Capital, Black Seed, ALM Innovation, Asterion Ventures, Wind Capital, Founders Future, Inovexus, Tudigo, MH innov', Xplore, Sowefund, Don't Quit Ventures, 50 Partners, Begin Capital, Focal, Orange Ventures and XAnge.

New pages presenting other fund will be launching soon.