Portfolio by Noa Khamallah
écrit le 8 July 2024, MÀJ le 8 July 2024
8 July 2024
Temps de lecture : 3 minutes
3 min

From Mali to impact investment in France and positive change with social media, meet Mamadou Dembele

There are changes happening in the VC landscape in France, new funds are emerging and investment in impact led startups continues to grow. Noa Khamallah is one of the investors driving this change, and in this piece he shares the story of another game-changer, Mamadou Dembele - investor, content creator and impact maker.
Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

Alright, folks, grab your popcorn because we're about to spice up this Mamadou Dembele saga with some extra juicy details!

Picture this: A young boy from Mali, probably dreaming of becoming the next soccer superstar (because, let's face it, that's what most kids dream about), decides instead to become a... wait for it... VC investor! Talk about zigging when everyone else is zagging!

Our man Mamadou didn't just stop at defying expectations, oh no. He went full-on overachiever and managed to climb the Venture Capital ladder in France faster than you can say "croissant." That's right, this Mali-born maverick snagged himself a job at Blisce VC, and now with works at AFI Ventures in the land of baguettes and berets, proving that sometimes, the underdog really does come out on top.

But wait, there's more! Not content with just conquering the world, Mamadou decided to take on the cesspool of vanity and narcissism that we lovingly call social media. Because apparently, being a successful VC investor wasn't challenging enough.

In a world where most "influencers" are busy trying to convince us that their perfectly curated lives are totally attainable (spoiler alert: they're not), Mamadou's out here dropping truth bombs about ecology and climate change. He incarnates a new breed called "Content Creators" making social media relevant again (This isn’t a Trump slogan, promise). With his channel called The Impact Story, Mamadou didn't get the memo that social media is supposed to make us feel inadequate and buy stuff we don't need rather than being education and informational on issues such as climate change, social impact & ecology.

With 500K followers, Mamadou proves that you can be popular on Instagram without posting a single gym selfie or avocado toast pic. Who would've thought?

So, while the rest of the social media world is busy creating more toxicity than a nuclear waste dump, our boy Mamadou is over here being all responsible and stuff. He's like the one guy at a frat party who suggests maybe everyone should drink some water and think about their life choices.

In conclusion, don’t give up on social media just yet, founders and investors like Mamadou Dembele are much needed in this dumpster fire of a digital age. He's gone from Mali to the top of the French VC world, and now he's taking on the toxic wasteland of social media. If that's not a modern-day superhero origin story, I don't know what is. So the next time you're mindlessly scrolling through your feed, why not give Mamadou a follow? Your brain cells will thank you, even if your FOMO doesn't.

Noa Khamallah is General Partner at Don't Quit Ventures.

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