You have recently been selected to the Tech Nation’s Future Fifty programme. What are your expectations and how does it feel to be identified as a future unicorn?

We are absolutely thrilled and consider it a tremendous honour to be included in this distinguished and illustrious group of companies. This presents an unparalleled opportunity for us to establish meaningful connections and foster relationships with a diverse range of other companies based in the UK. In addition to this, we also have the unique chance to engage with and learn from experienced mentors and coaches who are well-versed in the intricacies of scaling highly successful businesses. This is truly a milestone moment for us, and we are eager to make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead.

What was the catalyst for launching Trailmix?

The gaming industry, measured by annual revenues, is now larger than the TV, film, and music industries combined. Playing games is a cross-generational activity that allows individuals to have fun, connect, and learn new skills. It was important for us to ensure that players see themselves reflected in the games they play and feel respected by the developer. Moreover, we wanted players to have an experience which is not only snackable but also nourishing - therefore the name Trailmix.

What few people know is that half of the gaming population is now female, a stark contrast to only 10 years ago. When we started Trailmix, there were virtually no female CEOs who were also founders and teams overall did not reflect the audience. We changed that - at Trailmix, a diverse team creates incredible experiences for this were diverse group of players and we are committed to transforming how the industry is perceived.

People will play more and more games - it’s inevitable. Therefore, it’s our duty to ensure that their time is well spent and that our players thrive while playing, connect with loved ones, and build communities both digitally and, more importantly, in real life.

Tell me about the business - what it is, what it aims to achieve, who you work with, how you reach customers and so on?

Trailmix exists to create delightful spaces where millions can flourish. We design games that are both snackable and nourishing, connecting people globally through the joy of play. Simply put, we create mobile games that are meaningful and outshine other digital experiences.

How has the business evolved since its launch?

We began as a team of three in a co-working space in London. Since then, we've grown to a team of 80, spanning two countries. Our headquarters is in Kings Cross, London, UK, and we also have a smaller office in Berlin, Germany. Over the past few years, we've raised more than $70M through equity and debt financing. We've also brought Supercell/Tencent on board as a strategic partner to supercharge our growth.

Tell us about the working culture at Trailmix

Culture is constantly evolving and is not what we say but how we behave every single day. We deeply value respect, curiosity, kindness, and care. We often discuss the concept of high care, high performance. We believe these two aspects are not mutually exclusive, but both are crucial for a happy and productive team.

What is your favourite thing about being a founder?

One of the best things about being a founder is the ability to build something that has a positive impact on people’s lives. Creating a safe workplace where people can be the best version of themselves and achieve amazing things together is incredibly gratifying. It’s all about the team and seeing people flourish because I helped create the space where they can do so is the biggest reward.

What’s in store for the future?

We are currently developing three different products, including our live game, Love & Pies, across our two studios. We've recently initiated a new strategy that involves innovative methods to enhance our players' experience and foster a deeper connection with them.

What one piece of advice would you give other founders or future founders?

Engage with founder communities and don't hesitate to ask questions. Remember, you're not alone and there's no need to reinvent the wheel. It's perfectly fine not to have all the answers - as someone else likely does. So, ask questions and tap into the hive mind. The UK's founder community is a supportive network filled with individuals eager to assist others.

And finally, a more personal question! What’s your daily routine and the rules you’re living by at the moment?

Until last year, I struggled with a poor work-life balance, remaining constantly connected to work without taking proper breaks. If I could, I'd tell my past self that overworking doesn't lead to the best results. Thankfully, with the support of my leadership team, I've made significant changes to my routine.

We're working in a hybrid model meaning, that we all spend three days a week in the office and work from home for two days. As an early bird, I start my day with a quiet morning walk with my dog, even on weekends. This gives me time for reflection. Once I'm back home with a cup of coffee, I start my work, which usually involves responding to emails or completing quick tasks.

On work-from-home days, I transition into deep work for a few hours after my morning routine, followed by one-on-one and group meetings, either online or in-person with externals. Office days typically involve a full schedule of meetings, facetime with team members, and catch-ups.

Now, I set aside two or three evenings each week for activities like sports, hobbies, date nights, or dinners with friends.

Carolin Krenzer is the CEO and cofounder of Trailmix.

Tech Nation’s Future Fifty Programme is designed to support late-stage companies with access and growth opportunities, the programme has supported some of the UK’s most prominent unicorns, including Monzo, Darktrace, Revolut, Starling, Skyscanner and Deliveroo.