The climate crisis has reached a pivotal moment. According to the United Nations, the last four years have been the hottest on record, glaciers and ice sheets are melting faster than ever before, and 90% of disasters are now classed as weather- or climate-related. 

ChangeNOW, the three-day summit in Paris focused on showcasing solutions to help save the plant, hopes to create positive change in this realm. The annual event welcomes 35,000 entrepreneurs, investors, transition leaders, policymakers and citizens from 120 countries, all of whom have the same goal.

In addition to the summit, the ChangeNOW initiative carries out year-round efforts to accelerate positive impact projects that have big potential for systemic change. 

“ChangeNOW was born in 2017 as a social enterprise,” Santiago Lefebvre, CEO at ChangeNOW, told Maddyness UK. “Our mission is to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world by leading and amplifying concrete actions that inspire and change norms, companies and individuals.

“[The summit] is a window for action to accelerate the environmental transition, highlighting over 1,000 solutions with significant potential impact that we commit to support and accelerate.”

What to expect at the summit

Attendees to the event, which will take place from March 25-27, can expect to connect with like-minded changemakers and gain insights into solutions for environmental and social challenges. 

The event also provides a platform to enable collaboration and access resources to scale impactful initiatives. 

“We support transformations within large corporations, assist investors in fundraising endeavours, influence legislative changes, shape the trajectory of higher education, and alter individual life courses,” says Lefebvre. 

“Most importantly, our impact lies in uniting and engaging a multitude [of people] in a vision of a world that inspires hope – a vision we tirelessly work on to bring to life.”

The summit also plays host to pitch sessions and workshops, offering attendees the opportunity to present their solutions, receive feedback, and engage with potential investors and collaborators. 

Lefebvre says workshops provide a hands-on learning experience, fostering skill development and knowledge exchange.

“In 2024, the exhibition area will shed light on 300 solutions across 15 zones addressing climate, biodiversity, resources and inclusion,” he adds. “An additional 200 solutions will [be taken to] the stage to be pitched.”

This year’s billing of speakers include Nina Kajikhanian, general manager at Patagonia; Andrew Kassoy, cofounder and co-chair at B Lab; and Daniela Fernandez, CEO and founder of the Sustainable Ocean Alliance.

Notable past speakers include Jane Goodall, political leaders such as President Macron and VP of the European Commission Maros Sefcovic, and entrepreneurs like Lubomila Jornadova (Plan A) and Tom Szaky (Terracyle and Loop).

“As it continues to unite changemakers, the summit remains a beacon of inspiration and hope,” concludes Lefebvre. “With its unique platform, it connects innovators with resources, accelerates positive impact, and sets new standards. 

“ChangeNOW is all about the transformative power of collective action. The event is solidifying its position as a dynamic hub for driving tangible solutions and a sustainable, inclusive world.”

ChangeNOW will take place from March 25-27 at the Grand Palais Éphémère in Paris. Find out more here.