Breaking into tech from a non-technical background 

It all began 15 years ago when I left Romania for the UK to pursue my Public Relations and Creative Industries studies at King’s College London. Little did I know that this leap would pave the way for a cross-industry and cross-border career. I had always been intrigued by technology, but the idea for the business we today know as Dexory started at a summer barbeque. My then-housemates, now co-founders, were discussing how we wanted to keep an eye on our house while we were away. Our idea was an autonomous mobile robot with a Ring-style camera mounted to it. It was beyond our awareness that this seed would grow into Dexory.

Myself and my other co-founders worked in different industries before we founded the company. After completing my studies and having gained experience in my field of study, I had an opportunity to join one of the UK’s leading telecommunications companies in a more commercial role. This led me to progress to working within the business development side of the organisation and gave me further exposure to how to retain customers and how to engage with them in a meaningful way.

From here my career took me to Google, where I looked after retail partnerships and later strategic partnerships for the entire EMEA region, specifically for the retail sector. Thinking back on it, this gave me a lot of knowledge of one of the industries we now serve at Dexory. 

Co-founding Dexory has undoubtedly been a major career highlight. I’ve always had a strong ambition to launch my own company and contribute to something groundbreaking. Being part of a team that uses cutting-edge technology to revolutionise an entire industry is what I always imagined. From our launch in 2015 to rapidly scaling the business has been a rewarding journey and a major achievement. 

The ability to scale the team from 30 to over 100 in less than a year is a testament to the dedication we’ve poured into our vision. Last June, our team raised $19 million in a Series A round of funding led by European VC Atomico, a milestone that validated our efforts. Today, Dexory has secured important investments and partnerships with logistics giants such as Maersk, ID Logistics and Iron Mountain, which has solidified our position in the sector. In addition to this, in February 2024, we announced our expansion into the US market. 

Inspiring the next generation and being visible

In the past few years, we have seen AI technology come in leaps and bounds and break through to the public consciousness. With this explosion in interest and demand for AI solutions, there is a need to encourage women to apply for STEM-related fields of study so that the industry can continue to flourish. 

Encouraging diversity in STEM has become an important cause for me. The gender gap in STEM, particularly in robotics, remains an issue. Overcoming these barriers requires not just recognition, but creating inclusive opportunities for employment and investment. Inclusion isn’t optional; it’s necessary for sustained growth and innovation. Being visible is important because women need to see themselves in the roles they aspire to, and it’s up to women leaders to pave the way for the next generation. Recognising the varied opportunities available in STEM and encouraging individuals to explore and contribute based on their unique skills and backgrounds is crucial. 

From a business point of view, it is important for businesses to celebrate the achievement of their female workforce, as this will ultimately attract new talent into the industry. As the technology industry at large is competing for a finite pool of talent, it is in companies’ interest to make sure that more women get interested and involved in the field from an early age. I understand the need to pay it forward for the next generation of women in STEM. I actively mentor and assist women in technology, and I’m involved in several groups that help aspiring robotics and logistics newcomers. 

As we approach International Women’s Day, I want to share a piece of advice for aspiring women in the tech industry. Embrace your unique journey, stay true to your path, and understand that the challenges you face are stepping stones to success. Don’t shy away from opportunities to learn, grow, and lead. Build and surround yourself with a supportive network, seek guidance from those who inspire you, and remember that your voice matters. The tech industry needs your perspective, creativity, and resilience. Keep breaking barriers and shaping a more inclusive and innovative future for all. 

Oana Jinga is Chief Commercial Officer and co-founder of Dexory.