All tools are useful, but not equal.

When starting a new passion, you create with what you're given. For a painter, it might be a sheet of paper with a standard colour palette. For a programmer, it might be a bulky computer and a large cup of coffee.

But as you learn more, you seek improvement. The wonders achieved by humanity thus far are the result of mankind's constant quest for greatness. The paintings in Lascaux have led to the Sistine Chapel's paintings, and the carrier pigeons have posed the first stone of what is now the world wide web.

AI is now the world's latest uncharted territory, and the AI community counts many bold adventurers and explorers, ready to unveil its secrets and powers. But this will only be possible if these new virtuosos are equipped with the most efficient tools and accompanied by the most savvy experts.

To resolve this issue, Boardwave and Mindstone announce a partnership to extend Mindstone's increasingly popular AI Meetup Community to all Boardwave members and their employees.

Better and Broader

Boardwave is an impact-driven community of 1,400 European software founders and CEOs designed to help members accelerate their business growth, and to improve the overall position of Europe as a home for global software companies.

"Strategic, European-wide partnerships, such as this one, will allow us to remove some of the barriers we face across the continent and instead address this challenge as a single market.” says Phill Robinson, CEO and Co-Founder of Boardwave

On the other hand, Mindstone is the Duolingo for practical AI learning. Mindstone tailors your learning experience while aligning it with your career goals and your company objectives and turning it into a quantifiable skills profile similar to LinkedIn. Companies can set learning objectives across different levels – from the entire organisation to specific departments, down to individual employees

Together, they will make AI more accessible to software leaders and their teams, by providing practical advice, guidance and training, for free. Boardwave’s rapidly growing community and their teams are now able to attend any of the Mindstone Meetup community events in Europe. Mindstone has already delivered programmes to more than 3,500 senior-level attendees in seven major cities including London, Madrid, Istanbul, Helsinki and Sofia. Boardwave’s members can also register for the Mindstone AI Mastery Program of online training.

Massive Market

AI will revolutionise every aspect of how we do business, and it’s estimated it will deliver £514B in gross value added (GVA) revenue to the European economy by 2030. However, there is a skills and knowledge gap that exists within the founder and C-suite community that, while not widely acknowledged, has the potential to severely limit the practical application and potential of AI. In order for UK and European software companies to remain competitive, it is imperative that these leaders, and not just the general workforce, are upskilled in AI and leverage AI technology within all aspects of their business. Creating a step-change, and an industry that is tooled and ready to help other sectors lead on AI, will help the UK and European software industry to gain stronger momentum against its global competitors in this digital revolution.

Mindstone’s 5,000 Meetup community members, who are AI CEOs or Founders, can also apply to join the Boardwave community of 1,400 other software leaders in Europe at no cost. Through networking, sharing ideas, knowledge sharing, best practices and mentoring Boardwave empowers European software leaders to accelerate and scale their businesses more successfully. First time AI founders now have access to a network that helps them become a leading force in the industry.

"I’m pleased to be able to extend our AI Meetup Community to all Boardwave members and their employees, and help their extensive network of European software founders and CEOs accelerate their business growth through the practical application of AI.” says Joshua Wöhle, CEO and Co-Founder at Mindstone

Adjacent to this, Boardwave membership is also being made available to each of the software founders and CEOs within the Mindstone Meetup Community.