News by Paul Ferretti
9 January 2024
9 January 2024
Temps de lecture : 4 minutes
4 min

We Will Prosper: Self Space raises £2.25M in Seed Funding to create ‘therapy on every high street’

Self Space, the world's first on-demand mental health service on the high street, has secured £2.25M in funding led by Redrice Ventures.
Temps de lecture : 4 minutes

We often talk about the mental health crisis. But is 'crisis' really the good term?

There is no denying that mental health issues are a major concern in our society. But is it really a modern crisis, or is this generation is the first one to finally open up about their mental health?

"Get a grip!", "Be a man!", "Keep a stiff upper lip!". All these phrases were created so generations would repress their feelings. Mental health has been ignored, if not denigrated, for centuries, and many had to pretend that their lives were perfect not to be looked down by others.

Living in a society that now has the courage to deal with mental health issues, startups making therapy more accessible are blooming. But even though the sector is thriving, the need for mental healthcare is such that appointments are becoming harder to find in a saturated industry.

This is where Self Space steps in. Because mental health shouldn't be a taboo and mental wellbeing should never be a luxury, the startup aims to revolutionise people's access to health.

A new funding that comes right on time

This new funding will help Self Space combat the demand by expanding its offering of same-day mental health support across the UK and across the mental health spectrum. Not just for when people are in crisis, but inviting people to proactively engage in therapy. They will launch two new high street locations and hire 75 new therapists, psychotherapists and counsellors. Its hybrid approach to therapy will also continue to provide virtual sessions 7 days a week, while furthering the development of a tech-led psychoeducation platform to support more workplaces to become mentally healthy.

More than a startup, a revolution

Since launching in 2019, Self Space has facilitated more than 60,700 sessions across its four locations. The new funding will enable Self Space to offer another 34,000 sessions in 2024 alone.

 “Since starting Self Space, our mission has been to provide straightforward access to flexible therapy, offering a good conversation with a qualified person seven days a week, with no waitlist and same day bookings available." says Jodie Cariss, Founder and CEO of Self Space.

Self Space’s rapid growth has meant a 48% increase in the number of sessions it delivers annually, made possible by its growing team. In four years, the team has grown from five to 100, spanning a diverse range of qualified therapists and counsellors across the country, specialising in different modalities, languages, backgrounds and specialisms. In 2024, Self Space will continue to focus on its disruptive approach to mental health. The startup will create culture-shifting pop-up therapy across the UK and Ibiza, as well as expanding its in-person offering and launching a new digital platform.

At the same time as increasing support on the high street, Self Space is working with some of the world’s leading brands encouraging businesses to put mental health on the agenda with a proactive, preventative approach.

A trusted ally

Working with more than 150 businesses, including RedBull, Omnicom, Papier, Huel, Depop, Google and Havas, Self Space moves away from reactive, lightouch mental health policies and outdated EAP schemes, towards tangible measures that move the dial on mental health. From one-to-one therapy sessions, staff training and psychoeducation workshops, the new fund will enable Self Space to continue its support, reaching more businesses committed to supporting their team’s mental health in a meaningful way - not because it makes sense from a profitability and productivity perspective, but because they want to substantially impact on a human level.

 “Self Space has demonstrated a unique potential to revolutionise the way that individuals think, talk and use therapy to support their mental health." says Jonathan Heilbron of Redrice Ventures.

"We are proud to have led this investment and look forward to joining them on their growth journey.”, adds Jonathan.

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