What was the catalyst for launching Qured?

I’ve always wanted to build something that met unanswered needs I saw in my own life and in the lives of those around me, but which could also make a positive impact on wider society. So after struggling to get GP appointments for my young children, I first set up Qured as a 'doctor on demand' service to help solve this pain point in many parents’ lives.

We pivoted when Covid hit, becoming the first to offer a remotely validated lateral flow test for travel and facilitating over one million tests through the pandemic. When the need for Covid tests dissipated, we started offering remote health screening for employees. This shift took us from helping countless employees get back to work safely, to helping employers keep workforces well in the first place and for the long term.

Ultimately, answering public health needs with user friendly solutions has been the catalyst behind every iteration of Qured.

Tell me about the business - what it is, what it aims to achieve, who you work with, how you reach customers and so on?

Qured is a healthtech that works with employers to give staff access to remote health screening. Staff are offered tests tailored to individual health needs, and can assess everything from fertility and vitamin levels, to diabetes risk and organ function - all by using a painless, at-home blood testing device. We offer employers an inclusive benefit to keep their workforces well, by widening access to health screening and preventative healthcare.

How has the business evolved since its launch? When was this?

Qured first launched as a 'doctor on demand' service in 2017. Then, when the pandemic hit, our existing remote healthtech platform became the ideal foundation for video-supervised lateral flow tests. Working with the likes of TfL, Chelsea FC, American Express and British Airways, we helped workforces and the travel industry get back on their feet safely. We then turned our expertise in building health testing products which bridge the digital/physical divide to remote, preventative health screening. This is the version of Qured you see today, and which is helping workforces to stay well.

Tell us about the working culture at Qured.

The whole team is incredibly passionate about our mission to widen access to preventative healthcare and drive positive change in the industry. But ambitious, fast-growing startups like ours can come with intense working environments. Burnout is real, so encouraging employees to put their own health and wellbeing first is key. Hybrid work enables our team to achieve a sustainable work-life balance, and it goes without saying that everyone has access to preventative health screening, healthcare and health insurance.

How are you funded?

We’ve raised a total of £3.4M up until 2019 through a combination of angel investment and crowdfunding which saw Qured backed by 555 investors. We’ve been self-sustaining since then, but are now raising to help us scale our new platform.

What has been your biggest challenge so far and how have you overcome this?

The pandemic presented us, along with countless other businesses, with our biggest challenges so far. Both the start and the end of Covid required us to pivot - and to do so in an agile way. But the fact that we were open to evolving to achieve true market fit, and were guided by our core values and our customers’ needs throughout, has also been the key to our long-term success.

How does Qured answer an unmet need?

In Qured we’ve built a digital platform, integrated with physical testing infrastructure, and revolutionised the use of a painless, at-home blood testing device - and the need they serve is undeniable. Around 40% of premature mortality in the UK is caused by preventable diseases. By widening access to tailored, remote preventative health screening through employers, and providing all the required wraparound care, we’re helping to change this picture.

What’s in store for the future?

Currently, we’re working on expanding the number of tests we’re able to offer our customers, and building more personalised health resources into our platform, to reinforce healthy behaviours.

1 in 6 people struggle with infertility, and up to 50% of infertility problems in heterosexual couples are due to the male partner. That’s why introducing our male fertility tests, designed to give men a greater understanding of their reproductive health, is a priority right now.

We’re also working on enhancing our personalised test recommendations and educational content for users. This drive is grounded in the knowledge that reaching people with the right message at the right time is important to drive behaviour change and to drive better outcomes. Our ultimate goal as a business is to enable people to live more healthy lives, so enabling them to make the right choices sooner is crucial.

What one piece of advice would you give other founders or future founders?

Understand that your first 'big idea' will likely not be your last. Be open to your business plan and product evolving.

A second piece of advice would be to take care of yourself! Being a founder can be both energising and gruelling. It’s the proverbial marathon, not a sprint, and sleep and exercise are the superpowers needed for optimal performance. So set yourself up for success by exercising regularly and getting the right amount of shuteye.

And finally, a more personal question! What’s your daily routine and the rules you’re living by at the moment?

I do circuit training at F45 3-4 times a week and try to do a parkrun with my kids on the weekend. Endorphins help hugely when it comes to managing your mood and building healthy sleeping patterns. Always make time for your friends and loved ones. But, when the sh*t hits the fan, as it inevitably does, avoiding alcohol for a bit can give you the extra 10% you need to get through it.

Alex Templeton is the Founder & CEO of Qured.