Opinion by Andy Braddell
15 November 2023
15 November 2023
Temps de lecture : 4 minutes
4 min

The evolution of Web3 wallets: Features to look for in 2024

Like everything else in the digital world, the world of cryptocurrencies and decentralised applications (dApps) is always changing. The market for feature-rich and easy-to-use Web3 wallets is anticipated to grow dramatically by 2024. These wallets are essential for giving consumers control over their digital assets and interactions since they serve as the entry point to the decentralised web. In this piece, we'll examine how Web3 wallets are developing and what characteristics to expect in 2024.
Temps de lecture : 4 minutes

The development of Web3 wallets

Decentralised wallets, sometimes referred to as Web3 wallets, have grown in popularity as more people look for seamless ways to manage their cryptocurrency holdings and engage with blockchain-based services. With these wallets, users can:

  • Access dApps: Web3 wallets improve user experience and decentralisation of the web by enabling users to engage with decentralised applications straight from their browsers.
  • Control Their Private Keys: Users are in complete control of their private keys, which helps to protect their belongings. In contrast, third parties manage keys in typical centralised wallets.
  • Cross-Chain Compatibility: Many Web3 wallets allow customers to handle a variety of digital assets in a single location and support many blockchains.
  • Participation in Decentralised Finance (DeFi): By enabling DeFi activities such as lending, borrowing, and staking, these wallets make decentralised finance more accessible to a wider range of people.

2024: Important features to watch

The main characteristics of Web3 wallets to watch out for in the upcoming years are as follows:

Improved experience for users

  • User-Friendly Interface: To accommodate both cryptocurrency enthusiasts and newbies, Web3 wallets will give priority to user-friendly designs. Digital asset management and dApp interaction will be streamlined via intuitive interfaces.
  • Accessibility: The goal of wallets is to make them available to a worldwide user base. This entails features to accommodate users with disabilities, simplicity of use on mobile devices, and support for multiple languages.

Privacy and security

  • Biometric Authentication: In order to improve security and streamline user access, wallets will progressively support biometric authentication techniques like fingerprint and facial recognition.
  • Enhanced Encryption: To safeguard user data and secret keys, Web3 wallets will incorporate security features like cutting-edge encryption methods.
  • Self-Custody: The essential tenet of self-custody will not change. Users will still be in complete control of their digital assets, including private keys.

Mutual interoperability

  • Support for Multiple Chains: Web3 wallets will increase their compatibility with multiple blockchains, such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polkadot, and more. Users will be able to effectively handle a variety of assets thanks to its cross-chain compatibility.
  • Atomic Swaps: Users will be able to trade assets between different blockchains straight from their wallets thanks to the inclusion of atomic swap capability in wallets.

DeFi connectivity

  • Web3 wallets will include built-in DeFi features, which will make it simple for users to access platforms for lending, borrowing, yield farming, and liquidity provision without ever leaving their wallet interfaces.
  • Yield monitoring: Wallets will give customers information about their DeFi investments, including transaction history, portfolio performance, and yield monitoring.

NFT supervisory

  • NFT Integration: Web3 wallets will incorporate NFT management tools, enabling users to view, purchase, sell, and trade digital collectibles with ease. This is due to the growing popularity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
  • Art & Culture: Web3 wallets will work with artists, creators, and cultural institutions more often to facilitate the sale and distribution of digital art and cultural materials.


  • Ecosystem Integration: The larger cryptocurrency ecosystem will be easily integrated with Web3 wallets. Integration with blockchain-based identity solutions, decentralized autonomous organisations (DAOs), and decentralised exchanges (DEXs) are all included in this.
  • Cross-Platform Usage: Users will have consistent access to their Web3 wallets from any platform or device, no matter where they go.

Instructional materials

  • User Education: To assist users in comprehending blockchain technology, security best practices, and the possibilities of Web3, wallets will progressively provide tutorials, educational materials, and guidelines.
  • Customer service: Quick responses to queries, worries, and problems from users will be the norm for responsive customer service.

Future plans for Web3 wallets

Web3 wallets will keep changing as the Web3 ecosystem develops to satisfy the demands of an expanding and varied user base. These wallets are crucial tools that enable users to take full advantage of blockchain technology, manage their digital assets, and engage in the decentralised web. Users can anticipate improved NFT administration, cross-chain compatibility, security features, interoperability, DeFi integration, and educational resources in their preferred Web3 wallet by 2024 and beyond. Web3 wallets are leading this change towards a bright future for digital asset management. The integration of Web3 wallets into regular financial services is anticipated to accelerate due to the introduction of decentralised finance and blockchain technology. Soon, users may be able to access investment, lending, and banking services straight from their Web3 wallets, turning them into one-stop shops for all things financial. Users may expect a more streamlined and integrated way to manage their digital assets and engage with the decentralised web as the Web3 wallet landscape keeps growing and evolving.

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Photo credit:
Unsplash © Shubham Dhage
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