When we started our first company, we realised that the whole business experience in the early days is really confusing. Everything we read online felt like it’s in a foreign language full of jargon and we didn’t have a network to call on. We basically had to freestyle our way through every aspect of starting a business.

We knew there had to be others experiencing this same struggle, and it turns out 4.9m others do. So Beasy was born. It’s the platform we wished we had when we started —a place that brings together simplicity, clarity, and practicality. And it’s not just a platform; it’s a business companion, breaking down complex business concepts into actionable, understandable steps to empower every entrepreneur.

Tell me about the business

Beasy is the one stop shop where sole traders and micro business owners can find customised and personalised support. Whether that’s business products and services ranging from banking to social media tools, tech-powered strategies and guides to supercharge their growth, or curated news to keep them on the pulse.

There’s 5.3m sole traders and micro businesses in the UK, and it’s no surprise that 92% say they struggle with managing their business - from admin, marketing, finance to growth. These business owners have to juggle multiple balls which stretches them for time, leading to them neglecting key aspects of their business.

The current online business support often feels like a dense generic textbook, packed with loads of confusing jargon filled information that’s hard to digest or understand. So we’ve developed technology that doesn’t just throw information your way but actually understands your business’s unique needs to personalise the support, making running a business a walk in the park. From matching businesses with the right products and services, providing a customised repository of resources, and proactively curating strategies and tactics for business growth. We help business owners leapfrog the huge learning curve and reduce business anxiety.

We’re in heavy development at the moment, but before we launch early next year we’re giving small businesses and start-ups the chance to win free branding or a brand makeover worth £20,000. Successful applicants will work directly with an award-winning branding agency who will develop and craft their brand - including its purpose, core messaging, values, logo design, colours, typography, tone of voice and more.

Tell us about the working culture at Beasy

Us founders have spent over a decade in the creative industry which has deeply influenced our culture. We're not just a tech company; we're a collective of original thinkers who value the art of creativity and innovation. In the world of advertising and branding, we learned the essence of venturing into the uncharted, of embracing the unknown to birth ideas that not only resonate but distinctly cuts through all the clutter out there.

In transitioning to the tech space, we didn't leave this ethos behind. Beasy is a melting pot of individuality, a space where everyone is encouraged to express themselves freely. Our working environment is flexible, designed to nurture and amplify the creative spirit. We believe that in flexibility, in the freedom to be oneself, lies the birthplace of groundbreaking ideas. 

How are you funded?

So far, we’re 100% bootstrapped, and now as we ramp up development and growth we’ve opened our pre-seed funding round which we're looking to close before the end of 2023.

What has been your biggest challenge so far and how have you overcome this?

One of the biggest challenges we’ve faced was establishing the engineering process. Whilst we’re non-tech founders, we’ve helped grow numerous tech start-ups giving us first hand experience and a familiarity when it comes to building tech solutions. So it took us a while to create the right mix of individuals for our development team who can work seamlessly.

Our creative roots also helped us to maintain a thoughtful, design-centric vision to guide technology decisions. By fusing design thinking with our team’s technical talents, we’ve managed to develop a robust process with the user at the heart. We found that combining our strengths with our skilled tech team has been crucial to overcoming this challenge.

How does Beasy answer an unmet need?

92% of all British sole traders and micro business owners struggle with managing their business - from admin, finance, marketing to legal. They’re stretched for time, have little business know-how, and the experience of finding the right solutions is fragmented, confusing, and dense.

Government data states that last year only 20% of these businesses look for support because they don’t know where to look, there’s a lot of misinformation online, and it’s difficult to find simple guidance without the jargon.

Beasy solves this problem, giving small business owners and hopefuls a trusted one stop shop that simplifies and personalises everything business.

What’s in store for the future?

We’re set to become synonymous with small business. The same way Netflix has become synonymous with streaming or like Uber has become with ride hailing, Beasy is what people will first think of when starting or running a small operation.

On the product roadmap, we’re building proprietary technology that integrates into business systems to streamline business decision making and admin. Using AI, we’ll  be able to provide real-time insights and observations to inform optimal business choices and automate cost saving measures to improve profitability. And through a conversational chat interface business owners can easily auto-generate business resources; everything from custom TikTok strategies to sending customers personalised invoices, all just a message away. This truly revolutionises the day to day running of a small business.

Overall, our goal is to democratise business by challenging the perception that starting a company is daunting. By leveraging our own experiences and hurdles that we faced when we were first-time entrepreneurs, we want to support aspiring founders from all walks of life.

What one piece of advice would you give other founders or future founders?

Be your biggest supporter. Seriously. It sounds basic, but it’s everything. You’re going to have a ton of people telling you that your ideas are too ‘out there’ or ‘just won’t work’. But remember, the best businesses, the ones we all wish we’d started? They were all ‘impossible’ ideas once.

You don’t need to have all the answers or come from a certain background. You can be as different as they come, and that’s okay. Own it, believe in it, and don’t be afraid to go against the grain. Your belief in yourself and your idea could very well be the spark that makes it happen.

And finally, a more personal question! What’s your daily routine and the rules you’re living by at the moment?

I get up pretty early to get my body moving, whether that's going to the gym or a walk on the river bank near my apartment. Then it’s a daily standup and into work for the day. The word day usually ends with some Netflix before bed. Right now weekends are non existent but when you’re building something you believe in it doesn't really get any better.

Arif Miah and Ala Uddin are the cofounders of Beasy.