The Roman roads are one of the wonders of the Roman civilisation.

Allowing people to travel faster than ever across the whole Roman Empire, the roads linked together cities with political and economical centres. They made travel easier for troops, imperial officials, couriers, traders, merchants, travellers and pilgrims.

From the gorges of the Euphrates to the ocean caressing Lisbon's shore, by the way of the dunes of the Saharan desert and the titanic Swiss mountains, exchanges and travels were made easy thanks to this unique network, spanning over 3 continents. Merchandises and knowledge were shared and exchanged throughout the whole territory.

As of 2023, these roads are not made of stones and gravels anymore, but are built digitally. TransformBase, the platform launched by Eric Van der Kleij and Gokce Gizer Clover is not just connecting an empire. Beyond countries, frontiers, walls, mountains and oceans, this new platform is connecting the entire world.

A pathway for emerging technologies

TransformBase is a platform for business leaders to improve their understanding of new technologies and how to deploy them within their organisations. TransformBase will initially focus on five key emerging technologies: AI, quantum, immersive (AR/VR), blockchain, and 5G/6G.

Through events and working groups, TransformBase will develop the five technology-specific business roadmaps in collaboration with business leaders, investors, founders, and policymakers. The roadmaps will set out pathways for the integration of emerging technologies by businesses that are aligned with government policy and consider the wider implications for society. 

The initiative will build on the outputs from the UK Government’s AI Safety Summit taking place on the 1st and 2nd November at Bletchley Park, but will include a specific focus on the implications of emerging technologies for businesses.

"In today's landscape, every company is a tech company. Yet, many remain on the sidelines, uncertain of how to seize the transformative power of emerging technologies. TransformBase acts as a catalyst, empowering these enterprises and their investors to steer confidently toward a prosperous and purpose-driven future."  says Eric Van der Kleij, co-founder of TransformBase.

Platform launches at event in November with leaders from tech, business, and government

TransformBase will launch with its inaugural event on November 9th, 2023, at Kings Place, London, drawing together over 400 business leaders, tech builders and investors, with educators and policymakers. The event is designed to tap into the “collective intelligence” and actively involve all attendees to contribute to delivering actionable business and societal roadmaps. 

Leading figures from the worlds of tech, business and government have rallied around this critical mission and will be participating in the event, including:

Event’s agenda, built on collective intelligence interviews with business leaders and technologists 

The event's agenda blends talks from thought leaders with interactive content, harnessing collective intelligence through active audience participation and has been guided by 30+ interviews with business leaders and technologists.

“The content and sessions have been designed to engage on five key challenges: integration, security and privacy, change management, cost implications, and scalability.” says Gokce Gizer Clover, co-founder of TransformBase. 

Outputs from the event will be refined through quarterly working groups. These groups will craft technology-specific roadmaps, ready for implementation by organisations, and share insights with policymakers and influential global bodies, including the World Economic Forum at Davos in January 2024

For further information and to book your place at the event visit: