Portfolio by Kate Barnard
3 October 2023
3 October 2023
Temps de lecture : 5 minutes
5 min

Enjoy The Air, the evidence based air quality intelligence company

The global climate tech sector has never been more buoyant. But innovation in air quality has been slower. With Breathable cities, designed by Growth Studio we met the clean air startups tackling the devastating effects of air pollution that kills 7 million people worldwide every year and today we introduce Kate Barnard, cofounder of Enjoy The Air.
Temps de lecture : 5 minutes

As an engineer, I thrive on challenges, especially when they are deemed unsolvable. My business partner, Errol Kruger, was passionate about air quality, but being based in Brisbane Australia there is a lack of legislation or desire to improve. Struggling to find a solution, we started to look into the UK. The engineer and data enthusiast in me knew that there was an answer within reach. 

This realisation has been the driving force behind our efforts as we revolutionise how local councils and businesses approach air quality challenges.

Tell me about your business, what is it, what it aims to achieve, who you work with and how you reach customers?

At Enjoy The Air, we transform complex air quality data into simple, practical information. We support local authorities in understanding the health and economic impacts of air pollution in their area, to justify actions and budgets for cleaner air.

Our unique HALO system provides personalised data outputs which empower local councils to make informed decisions to tackle air pollution. By collaborating with local government, we guide policymakers in formulating data-driven and well-informed policies for cleaner air and healthier communities. 

This makes us a real ally to local authorities. We help them break decision stalemates, allocate budgets justifiably, and take effective actions against air pollution. 

Tell us about your working culture?

As a startup, we have a small but highly dedicated team operating with all hands-on deck. We value the uniqueness of each team member and the expertise they bring to drive our mission forward. Our team is scattered around the world, in the UK, Australia, Nigeria, Israel and Malaysia, so we fully embrace the times zones to ensure everyone involved has a healthy work-life balance. 

How are you funded?

We have been primarily bootstrapped, using personal resources to get the company off the ground. We have also obtained funding through debt funding, equity-free investments, and government grants, which have played a crucial role in supporting our growth.

What has been your biggest challenge so far and how have you overcome it?

Our most significant challenges have been managing cash flow and finding enough hours in the day to accomplish all our tasks. I knew these would be hurdles from the outset, but their impact has turned out to be more overwhelming than expected. To overcome this, we have learned to adopt a lean approach to ensure resources are used efficiently to maximise results. 

I am a big advocate of the power of lists, and I must admit, there are 829 of them on my phone. Lists have become an invaluable tool for me to get the worries and niggling thoughts out of my head, even if I can't tackle them immediately. 

I focus on simply weekly metrics: don’t get arrested, don’t get fired and find good coffee. These might sound lighthearted but they serve as a grounding mechanism when I'm fully immersed in the demands of running a business. 

They remind me to maintain perspective, take care of myself, and tackle challenges methodically. This provides much-needed clarity amidst the chaos of a startup journey.

Discover Breathable Cities

How does your service answer an unmet need?

Air quality is a pervasive issue impacting everyone and is linked to 10 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. However, current efforts to address poor air quality are fragmented. By integrating data on pollution, health, and economics, we can empower better space-based decision-making at all levels – from individuals and businesses to towns and entire nations.

What’s in store for the future?

In 2023, our focus is on raising investment and gaining revenue so we can bring all the pieces together to grow our team. The best part about the future is that there are bound to be exciting opportunities and possibilities that we haven't even thought of yet!

What one piece of advice would you give to other future founders?

My advice to future founders: embrace determination and pivot when needed. Hustling is a skill I also wish I had learned to do better earlier. I’ve found that women are naturally drawn towards purpose-driven ventures that prioritise societal benefits alongside financial success, but its really important to strike the balance. 

To maintain your drive and mental stability in the startup world, focus on achieving one thing daily, whether it's a personal goal or a step forward for your business.

And finally, a more personal question – what’s your daily rule and the rules you are living by at the moment?

As I mentioned earlier, my guiding principles are simple yet essential: don’t get arrested, don’t get fired, and find good coffee! Embracing these rules helps me stay focused and grounded in both my personal and professional life.

As a mother of two, I prioritise being mentally present for my children, sharing family dinner times, and supporting their needs. When I have a spare moment, I find solace through my love of fiction indulging in crime thrillers and historical fiction.

All of this while seamlessly fitting in my work for Enjoy the Air, travelling around the world on my laptop.

Kate Barnard is the cofounder of Enjoy The Air.

Breathable Cities is the world's largest clean air accelerator programme, made in London. It's been designed by Growth Studio, supported by Impact in Urban Health with a mutual mission to help accelerate startups tackle air pollution and secure fast growth.
Growth Studio designs and implements planet friendly startup and scaleup accelerator programmes worldwide. With over 700 startups in 45 countries, Breathable Cities is their latest programme focused entirely on accelerating the success of clean air startups.
Meet the Breathable Cities Startups at their Demo Day on 11th October. Register Here!
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Photo credit:
Growth Studio, Selection Day at the Impact on Urban Health in London. Pictures by Richard Cannon on Monday 12th June 2023
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