Violeta Martin, VP Commercial Sales, EMEA, DocuSign 

“The rise of the ‘Anywhere Economy’* has unlocked a new breed of digital entrepreneurs. Those that rely on digital technologies to establish and run their businesses; and that aren’t constrained by physical location.

With 52% of respondents in DocuSign’s Economist Impact Report expecting the Anywhere Economy to accelerate, so too does its potential to further democratize and drive entrepreneurship. By embedding digital workflows into the building blocks of their business, entrepreneurs can work smarter, be more productive and invest more time in the passions that inspired them in the first place.

The Anywhere Economy is also enabling entrepreneurs to connect with talent like never before. With the research showing that an additional 25 million women could be brought into the workforce globally in 2030 alone, having a more diverse workforce with unique experiences and ideas will enable more entrepreneurs to create scalable and varied businesses that can thrive.”

Deann Evans, Managing Director, EMEA, Shopify

“Being an entrepreneur takes grit and determination, particularly in the current economic climate. However, despite these challenges, entrepreneurship in the UK is in great shape. Our Entrepreneurship Index revealed that UK entrepreneurs in Shopify’s ecosystem generated £28.8B worth of business activity in 2022 alone, and contributed £14.3B in GDP impact.

“This World Entrepreneurs’ Day we should applaud entrepreneurs for their hard work, creativity and resilience. In the commerce space, we believe one model for entrepreneurs to continue to grow is to connect directly with their consumers. This involves using all possible pathways to reach their customers, both online and offline – from social and community commerce to web stores and the high street – to put trust at the heart of every interaction and create more meaningful relationships between themselves and their customers.”

Chris Mills, Head of Customer Success EMEA, Slack

“If the last few years have taught leaders anything, it is that we live in an age of uncertainty. In this environment, entrepreneurs need to be really thoughtful about how they are communicating and avoid creating information silos. By creating a transparent culture small businesses can create stronger and better-performing teams.

Our research shows transparent conversations between leaders and employees nurture a trusting and healthy work culture. This also benefits a business’ bottom line, with employees in transparent environments being 1.8x more productive - amplified by the use of a productivity platform. This World Entrepreneurs’ Day, leaders everywhere should embrace an open culture of communication and collaboration as this may help unlock their next stage of growth.”

Sacha Michaud, Cofounder, Glovo

“Europe’s complexity with 27 EU member states poses both an opportunity and huge challenge for entrepreneurs to start successful businesses. Europe is struggling to support its entrepreneurs, and falls behind the innovation seen in the US and Asia. That gap will continue to widen without prompt action.

But there is a wealth of untapped entrepreneurial potential that could compete with the rest of the world if we tackle this with a pan-European strategy. For that to happen, European startups and scaleups need the right framework and support from the continent’s wider ecosystem with a renewed focus on attracting capital, enticing and retaining the best talent, and facilitating harmonised regulatory frameworks that support startups, enabling them to have a meaningful impact and ensuring their sustained growth.

At Glovo, entrepreneurship is at the heart of our core business. 90% of our global partners are SMEs, founded and driven by entrepreneurs. We have implemented a series of initiatives to support entrepreneurship, including the creation of Glovo House - a springboard to help accelerate the projects of current Glovo employees and alumni on their path to entrepreneurship. We also provide learning and development opportunities specifically designed to provide couriers and SMEs with the training they need to start their own businesses.

Entrepreneurs in Europe have a unique learning opportunity. While there are challenges, these will create resilient global businesses that can rival those around the world and, at the same time, build these companies with a solid purpose that will leave nobody behind in this tech revolution.”

Jim Rudall, Head of EMEA at Intuit Mailchimp

“Over the past twelve months, entrepreneurs leading every size and type of business globally have faced huge operational challenges as a result of volatile economic headwinds. While there is still a long road ahead, there is quiet optimism that we’re starting to see greenshoots of recovery. Global core inflation is expected to fall by 3.8%* by the end of this year, and recently the International Monetary Foundation raised its projected growth forecast for 2023.

It has undoubtedly been a challenging period for entrepreneurs to plan or progress their business growth when they simply don’t know what surprises are around the corner. Yet many businesses have innovated, thrived and put themselves in a great position to flourish further as the economic situation improves. As we mark World Entrepreneurs’ Day, it’s important we use this year’s moment in time to recognise the progress made in difficult circumstances, and to ensure we are providing business owners with the right operational and marketing tools to help re-accelerate growth over the coming months.”

Hadi Moussa, Managing Director EMEA, Coursera 

With ongoing economic uncertainty in the UK and rising business costs, this year’s World Entrepreneurs’ Day stands as a reminder that entrepreneurial success is not solely dependent on ambitious aspirations, but rather on the accumulation of skills that enable individuals to effectively navigate challenges.

Against this backdrop, Coursera’s 2023 Global Skills Report reveals that UK learners are more likely to invest in entrepreneurship skills than their European counterparts. With learners increasingly enrolling in courses related to Resilience, Adaptability, and Risk Management, this serves as an indication that UK workers are pivoting their skills focus to better navigate an uncertain business landscape.

The good news is, microcredentials and professional certificates are offering individuals accessible and flexible pathways to re-establish and re-assert themselves in the face of uncertainty. As the world of work evolves, so can they. After all, from remote work to the rapid onset of AI, continuous learning is critical in today’s ever-changing climate. So, with UK entrepreneurs now ranking fourth globally in terms of their economic impact, this World Entrepreneurs’ Day, let’s celebrate the quiet resilience and success of these leaders, critical pillars of our economy and community.

Dominic Allon, CEO, Pipedrive

The positive impact that SMEs have on the UK economy cannot be overstated. They play a vital role in enhancing both the economic growth of the nation, making up 99% of all UK businesses. But just as SMEs’ impact cannot be overstated, nor can the challenges they are facing. From the rise of inflation, to reduced consumer spend due to the cost-of-living crisis, the entrepreneurs heading up UK enterprises have shown true tenacity, and resilience.

Looking ahead to a positive, but economically uncertain future, entrepreneurs must align their go-to-market approach with an agile focus. In today’s world, leveraging digital tools isn't a choice - it’s a strategic imperative. Leaders who can use and effectively implement digital tools support their teams, optimise workflows and better align with customers’ needs, will grow. Put simply, entrepreneurs must have the right tools at their disposal to seize opportunities and make informed decisions.

So, as we celebrate the trailblazers who are turning dreams into reality, let’s salute their resilience, innovation and unwavering spirit. But most importantly, let’s remember that while the path to entrepreneurship is filled with challenges, the right digital tools can turn these challenges into easier triumphs. When people have a business idea, they must follow it up with a tech plan.

Gali Arnon, Chief Marketing Officer, Fiverr

“As the world and our resources continue to evolve, so too does entrepreneurship. World Entrepreneurs’ Day is an opportunity to recognise the significant contributions made by entrepreneurs who push the boundaries, challenge the status quo, and promote innovation while shaping the course of our global economy.

Innovation, economic growth, and job possibilities are all fueled by entrepreneurship, which is why it is so important to champion initiatives like World Entrepreneurs’ Day. Research from Fiverr’s recent UK Workforce Index shows that full-time staff now make up just 57 percent of the average UK company’s workforce, with UK workers increasingly deciding to ‘become their own boss’ and work as freelancers. This trend provides an exciting opportunity for workers to feel empowered to work more flexibly in accordance with their schedules and requirements, while boosting the global economy through entrepreneurship.”

Olivier Pailhès, cofounder and CEO, Aircall

Being an entrepreneur is an adventure. When you start out, you need the perfect storm of timing, market needs and innovation to occur in order to disrupt an established industry.

From my experience, success then comes from a relentless obsession to reach your goal but knowing that it won’t happen overnight. This World Entrepreneurs’ Day, my advice is to not confuse your long-term ambitions with the small steps you need to take each day. You need to continuously listen to your customers, go with your intuition and make marginal gains in order to make the difference long-term.

I also encourage entrepreneurs to focus on building cohesive teams. When I look back on our journey at Aircall, I recognise that it has been built by amazing people. Without my team, none of this would have been possible. Founders might do the heavy lifting early on but the ultimate success of an entrepreneur belongs to everyone building the company, block by block.