One way to address this issue is through capability hiring, an innovative recruitment strategy that focuses on hiring individuals with the potential to learn and develop the necessary skills for the job. Instead of looking for candidates who already have the required skills, capability hiring focuses on identifying candidates who have the ability and willingness to learn and grow within the organisation.

The benefits of capability hiring are numerous. One of the main benefits of capability hiring is cost savings. Hiring employees with existing skills and experience can be expensive, particularly in industries where competition for talent is high. In contrast, capability hiring allows organisations to hire candidates who are more affordable and can be trained to develop the required skills. This not only reduces the cost of recruitment and onboarding but also increases the productivity and loyalty of current employees who feel that their employer is investing in their growth.

According to Matt Charney, a talent acquisition and recruiting expert, "Capability hiring can help companies build diverse teams and bring in people from different backgrounds who may not have the exact experience, but have the capability to learn and excel in the job." This sentiment is echoed by many other industry leaders who recognise the importance of finding employees who are not only skilled but also have a growth mindset.

Capability hiring can also help organisations retain top talent. When organisations invest in developing their employees' skills, they are more likely to feel valued and stay with the company long-term. This can save organisations money in the long run by reducing turnover and the costs associated with recruiting and training new employees.

In addition to cost savings and retention, capability hiring can also help companies stay ahead of the competition. By focusing on hiring employees with the potential to learn and grow, companies can build a workforce that is equipped to tackle new challenges and adapt to changing market conditions. This can give them a competitive advantage over companies that rely solely on employees with specific, pre-existing skills.

According to Andrew Chamberlain, Director at Glassdoor, "The skills gap is one of the biggest challenges facing companies today. Capability hiring is one way to address this issue by focusing on hiring employees with the potential to learn and adapt to new skills." Chamberlain also notes that companies that invest in training and development programs are more likely to attract top talent who are looking for opportunities to grow and advance their careers.

While capability hiring can be a powerful strategy for plugging skills gaps, it is not without its challenges. One of the biggest hurdles is identifying the right candidates who have the potential to learn and adapt. This requires a thorough evaluation of not only the candidate's current skills but also their willingness and ability to learn and grow. Another key challenge is that Capability hiring requires more time and resources than traditional hiring methods, as it involves assessing a candidate's potential in addition to their current skills. This can be a challenge for organisations with limited resources or tight timelines for filling open positions.

In conclusion, capability hiring is a powerful strategy for plugging skills gaps and building a strong, adaptable workforce. By investing in training and development programs and hiring employees with the potential to learn and grow, companies can save money, retain top talent, and stay ahead of the competition. While this approach requires a shift in mindset and a more comprehensive evaluation process, the benefits are clear. 

Michael Boham is the founder of is a powerful tool that can help companies automate and scale capability hiring by providing them with an objective evaluation of their candidates' range of skills and potential to learn and adapt. By using this platform, companies can save time and money, improve their hiring process, and build a strong, adaptable workforce that can tackle any challenge that comes their way.

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