I’ll get straight to the point: the future is here. To stay ahead of the curve, businesses have to start adopting AI-powered tools. And no, AI won’t steal your job, but people and businesses that take advantage of AI will eventually outperform you.

In many areas, such as cybersecurity and marketing, AI has already been used before Generative AI and ChatGPT exploded in popularity. AI has always been a big part of marketing but most of its power was not really visible to the marketer itself. So, for example, if you think of Meta Ads or Google Ads, there has always been AI in place to optimise the output of our ads.

We are now in this very interesting place where AI meets more creative marketing use-cases. For example, text to design AI tools are becoming a big part of creative processes. AI can provide tangible support which improves both results and efficiency. Similarly, data analysis is becoming more democratised thanks to the proliferation of easy to use tools and machine learning. Previously, complex analysis of multiple datasets to create insights on performance or undertake predictive analytics required ‘power users’ with in-depth knowledge of data science. Now, many more digital experts can leverage the power of data science to inform their jobs and provide better direction to their clients.

What we now see, is the next big frontier happening when it comes to AI and marketing. With tools like Chat GPT, Midjourney and Runway we are entering a new age in the area of online marketing. When used correctly, Generative AI can save you a lot of time in the ideation phase and the creative process overall. It will enable you to come up with more concepts a lot faster. In other words, it has a big chance to skrim down the learning or the money burning phase when doing performance marketing.

Where does ChatGPT fit into app marketing?

It can actually be used at each step of the app user lifecycle. With over 2.8 million apps available in the Google Play Store and 2.2 million in the Apple App Store, app marketing is a very competitive area. That’s why mobile app marketing strategies require different actions at each step of the app user lifecycle.


This is when the user becomes aware of the app through various channels such as app store search, social media and advertising. At this stage ChatGPT can help app developers and marketers to conduct market research, identify trends and challenges in a specific category, brainstorm promotional ideas for different channels, create a promotional strategy for different channels or create concepts for ads.

As an example, to help with competitor keyword research, try asking ChatGPT a prompt such as “Name [amount] keywords that are relevant to the following mobile apps: [app name 1], [app name 2], [app name 3].


This is when the user downloads the app and starts using it. At this stage ChatGPT can help app developers and marketers to create a user acquisition strategy, brainstorm ideas on how to increase app installs, generate various app names for A/B testing, write an app description with keywords or translate app store metadata to different languages.

Here you could ask ChatGPT to “Act like a content writer who needs to write a [short or long] description for the [app category] app on [name of app store]. Write a description with maximum [amount] characters that will include the following keywords: [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3].

Engagement & Retention

This is when the user begins to engage with the app and receives value from it. The user continues to use the app regularly and becomes a loyal user. At this stage, ChatGPT can help app developers and marketers to analyse competitors' app features, brainstorm new features for a specific app and target audience, generate ideas for users' onboarding, write personalised messages for different target audiences or create a user retention strategy.


This is when the user begins to generate revenue for the app through in-app purchases or other monetisation strategies. Here ChatGPT can help app developers and marketers to brainstorm a list of monetisation ideas, analyse the most profitable apps on the market, create a monetisation strategy for a specific app category and target audience, provide a step-by-step guide on how to monetise a particular app or game, or generate suggestions on how to increase app revenue.


This is when the user recommends the app to others, leading to new user acquisitions. ChatGPT can help app developers and marketers to generate ideas for encouraging users to share the app, write personalised prompt notifications, brainstorm user rewards ideas, generate ideas for UGC campaigns, or even create shareable content.

To get ideas on how to get users to create UGC campaigns, you can ask: “I need to increase user generated content for my [app category] app. Generate 5 ideas for UGC campaigns for users who use [app category]app.

Don’t remove the human from the AI process

There are of course some limitations to ChatGPT. App marketing still requires the human element to set up ChatGPT properly with the right wording tailored to your app, as this is something that can go wrong without prior experience of AI. Answers from ChatGPT should still be reviewed and improved upon - rather than taken at face value. As AI becomes a bigger part of our everyday worklife, app marketers and developers will need to take advantage of these tools to be able to compete with other businesses that are embracing these new technologies.

Thomas Kriebernegg is Managing Director & Co-Founder at App Radar