Make reductions in water usage

It’s a point that everyone has heard before, but it’s definitely an important one - make reductions in usage. Businesses can introduce ways of working to decrease their water usage. Not only can this help to reduce bills – but it will also have a positive impact on the environment.

Water accounts for around 5 percent of carbon emissions in the UK. With this, employees should be encouraged to consciously recognise sustainability at work. For example, they can reduce water usage by ensuring taps are fully turned off. A dripping tap will waste approximately 60 litres of water a week. Although fixing them can be costly depending on how bad the problem is, the water savings can repay the short-term outlay in the long run.

Businesses should ensure that water-saving measures have been put into place - checking for any leaks or only running appliances such as the dishwasher and washing machine when they are completely full, are effective ways of doing this. Modern dishwashers can use 10 to 15 litres of water a cycle. Investing in eco models of appliances and setting other existing appliances to eco settings can help to reduce wastage too.

Tap aerators are small devices that are easy to install. They mix the water with air as it leaves the tap, meaning less water is used while pressure remains high. As much as ten litres of water is wasted every day, waiting for the tap to run cold for drinking water. Water coolers are a quick and easy way to deliver instant cold water for staff and reduce unnecessary wastage. If your business has showers for employees, consider using low-flow shower heads to reduce usage, and shower timers to increase awareness and limit water wasted.

Switching suppliers

Next, it is important that companies consider their water supplier.

Almost half of businesses are unaware they can shop around and choose their water supplier. Deregulation in 2017 opened England’s business water market for competition, creating the world’s largest competitive water and wastewater retail market. Now, businesses are afforded the luxury of choosing their water supplier to save costs.

Whilst looking to save costs, businesses also have the choice to opt for a multi utility service provider- a movement that we are pioneering at Everflow. This approach makes keeping track of bills a lot easier, but also gives businesses access to discounts and savings.

Bill management

Managing your bills is an important step to becoming aware of your outgoings on water and how much you can be saving. In particular, staying on top of your invoices will keep you up to date on the period you’re being charged for and help you plan effectively for any adjustments in prices which occur every April, when wholesalers increase your charges.

As well as reading your invoices, another way to manage your bills will be to read your water meter regularly. We recommend checking around every six months. This will ensure you avoid adjustments if your usage changes over time and keeps your bills as accurate as possible. Additionally, it can help you to spot any leaks or problems. Only when businesses are fully aware of their usage, as they are with their electric and gas usage, will they be able to identify problems and address the issue.

A final word

Businesses should be assured that there are options available to handle rising prices. By shopping around, selecting the best provider and making small tweaks to ways of working, businesses can decarbonise in a cost-efficient way, removing the pressure that comes with rising prices.

For more information about switching suppliers and reducing water usage, visit

Josh Gill, CEO at Everflow.