Marketers can also boost customer engagement with social media. This marketing approach is different and better than the traditional marketing system. Social media is a better option for business marketing because it gives you a two-way approach.

Social media platforms give digital marketers real-time feedback enabling them to monitor and track their marketing performance. Also, engaging with your audience on the internet guarantees quick feedback and a two-way room that facilitates communication between the company and consumers.

Boosting customer engagement is a critical aspect of the success of marketing strategies. The challenging part is how to enhance engagement using social media and measure the engagement rate on various social media platforms. This content piece covers all these crucial concepts that you need to know. Read on!

How to measure social media engagement

Engagement refers to the results you get once you post on your social media account. Building a robust relationship with new and future prospects is difficult if they do not see responses in the posts you publish. Marketers are constantly working extra hard to increase engagement and build a positive reputation across the market.

Initially, marketers experienced challenges in measuring social media engagement. But, this can easily be done by evaluating and measuring certain metrics on your social media page. These metrics include:

  • Shares
  • Comments
  • Likes
  • Hashtags
  • Click-through-rate
  • Number of followers

Your engagement gets to increase whenever prospects engage with your social media page.

Now that you can easily measure engagement on your social media accounts, you need to learn how to use social media to increase customer engagement. This is a major point of interest since it helps business owners build brand awareness and attract more potential customers.

How can social media help you build customer engagement? Let's answer this question!

Be responsive

The best way to enhance social media interaction is to be responsive to all activities on your page. You need to set up a customer service team that will communicate directly with satisfied and dissatisfied customers. In the current world, people mostly appreciate living in a highly responsive environment where there is a prompt and informative response.

Responding to customers promptly shows that you are concerned about their needs and are dedicated to helping them. Both complaints, questions, and comments give you an awesome opportunity to increase customer engagement and establish a robust business relationship.

Also, this information operates the same way as social proof to show prospects that you are actively working towards solving their concerns. They can look at your page and evaluate some conversations to understand more about how you deal with customers.  You can convert the complaints you receive into a marketing opportunity by addressing them promptly, positively, and professionally.

It's one way of showcasing your quality customer service and how you solve customer concerns. By ignoring the complaints posted by customers in your profile, you are likely to lose them and scare away prospects.

Invest in value provision

Even though using attractive images, photos infographics and visualizations (bar chart, radar chart, line chart, etc.) that contain insightful information attracts your reader's attention, quality content matters a lot. Investing in quality content persuades prospects to spend some time on your site. Also, it's the best way to attract repeat customers who always want to have a taste of what you have written daily.

Ensure that every post you publish on your page offers value to your audience. Most of what you post on your business page should share details about something informative, entertaining, or that teaches your audience. When you start helping prospects solve their problems, you become an expert in your field. As a result, you win the trust of customers.

Remember to use tools and tips that will make your customers' lives easier. Focus on addressing their pain points and possible solutions on how you can leverage the situation. You will stand a better chance of attracting more prospects and gaining the trust of your followers and the entire target market.

Share some stories of inspiration

As a digital marketer or a business owner, you don't need to keep all the exciting moments for yourself! Give room for everyone to know more about your success and how you have managed to swing across the ladders to the top. Most people appreciate getting a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes.

You can decide to tell your audience a heartwarming story about one of your customers or a past employee. This is one way of creating a better way of connecting your audience to potential employees or opportunities that can change their lives. In addition, stories give your business brand a unique personality that makes prospects remember you in the long run.

Stories enhance brand loyalty since consumers can easily identify your business's value. Without social media engagement, your brand may seem utilitarian and dry, sending away potential customers. By building customer engagement, you automatically create connections based on values and common interests.

Understand your social media audience

Before you create any content you intend to post on social media, you need to understand the audience that will consume it. Getting to know your audience makes it easier for you to generate content that resonates with the audience. Your social media content should speak directly to your target audience without involving any third party.

Keep in mind that the tone of a post tailored to address the youth is entirely different from the one addressing the retired people. Creating a customer persona is an incredible strategy when you want to breathe life into your social media marketing endeavours. The more you understand your audience, the easier to tailor specific messages that address specific pain points.

Apart from the data you collect from social media marketing, you can decide to interview customers personally to know them better. Also, you can use patterns to learn about your customers' behaviour.

Remain loyal to your expertise

Every post you make on social media should be closely aligned with your business. When customers decide to follow you on all your social media accounts, it indicates that they are interested in what you are offering. Also, you ensure that you only use a small portion of your posts for direct offers and promotions.

By focusing on too much advertising, you seem to be self-serving and ruin your brand's reputation on social media. Most of your posts should be informative, engaging, and attractive. Focus on delivering tips that can help customers solve their struggles and the problem at hand. Educate your audience and make them entertained.

Marketers who go away out of their areas of expertise tend to confuse their audience. This will place your brand at a high risk of losing potential customers and trust across the market.


Customer engagement is essential for the success of every business. Research says that 64% always expect to get tailored engagements to impact their purchasing decisions. Allowing your customers to get a glimpse of what happens behind the scenes in your business offers an ice experience. Customers get to enjoy when they learn more about the values and personality of your brand.

Also, it permits you to get actionable feedback from prospects that helps you streamline operations. It gives you a detailed look at how customers evaluate your brand and say about it. You can easily engage with them regularly and work on the areas that need changes to enhance their success.