What was the catalyst for launching Ready Burger?

The catalyst for launch was a desire to drive sustainability in the food industry and to fill a major gap in the market for affordable, convenient and great flavoured plant based food. We also wanted to play a role in protecting animal welfare, reducing carbon emissions and tackling climate change, and with these issues increasingly growing.

It was the right time to integrate a new and unique food brand into society which would help future generations tackle these global societal issues. We need to embed an attitude and lifestyle change into culture now, and Ready Burger can help drive this change.

Tell me about the business?

We are a plant based, quick service restaurant brand serving classic fast food flavours at affordable prices. Our goal is to encourage meat eaters to eat plant based without compromising on taste and quality. We aim to be the most inclusive brand on the High Street, whether meat eater, vegetarian, pescatarian, flexitarian, dairy free (and the list goes on) our whole offering caters for you. It is all about offering variety for consumers whilst being welcoming of everyone.

To do this, we work industry leading food technology companies and plant based manufacturers, to deliver exceptional taste at our restaurants.

We reach customers through our restaurants, in-store pick-ups and home delivery and there will soon be Ready Burger pop ups and drive-throughs for more people to experience convenient plant based meals.

Our mission is to become a household name through mass scale and growth across global markets.

How has the business evolved since its launch?

The business launched in May 2021 with one store in North London and now there are two locations in London with three more in the pipeline. We are building a sustainable and widespread infrastructure to ensure we can open in more cities across the UK and abroad without diluting the quality of the brand, service, experience and ultimately quality of the food.

In Veganuary 2022, we introduced a limited edition 99p vegan burger (the world’s first 99p 100% vegan burger), which was so popular it is now a permanent fixture and we have added new food items to the menu from burgers to desserts. Breakfasts, salads, wraps, shakes and more will be coming over the next 18 months to ensure we offer a full range of items for multiple occasions and tastes.

What has been your biggest challenge so far and how have you overcome this?

One of the challenges is changing consumer eating habits and attitudes towards plant based foods without sounding too authoritative. We are confident there is something for everyone in our restaurants and we will always thrive to be ultimately inclusive as a brand. We are overcoming this with the right marketing and messaging and encouraging trial where possible.

Another challenge has been creating sustainable supply chains but perseverance, mass research and understanding the market has helped us overcome this.

How does Ready Burger answer an unmet need?

We offer plant based food to the mass market without compromising on taste and quality. We are proof that eating plant based is inclusive and affordable.

What’s in store for the future?

We are launching new sites in London within the next 12 months and also focusing on mass expansion nationally and internationally. With this growth we will also be offering new food items and delivery options to reach more people.

What one piece of advice would you give to other founders?

The first rule is to get the right people in your business. Focus on this and the rest of the journey won’t be such a challenge.

Another piece of advice is to create quality and robust infrastructure and as Founders, be prepared to do the brunt work at the beginning of your business. Finally, every journey is different but be adaptable with sincere conviction on that journey.

Max Miller and Adam Clark are founders at Ready Burger.