News by Maddyness UK
15 August 2022
15 August 2022
Temps de lecture : 2 minutes
2 min

FuturePlus joins forces with Diode to simplify the switch to electric vehicles

Two British challenger companies are taking on the mission to help convert businesses to EVs whilst also measuring their sustainability impact, ahead of the 2030 UK ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles.
Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

Most of us think about the looming ban on the sale of petrol and diesel cars in a personal capacity, wondering how and when we’ll swap the combustion engine for a battery. Beyond individuals, however, the ban’s effect on UK businesses is going to be huge. Companies need to consider everything from fleet management to charge-point provision for employee vehicles.

Alongside the central commercial challenge of ensuring a low cost and efficient delivery of electric vehicles (EVs), it is also important businesses understand and communicate the environmental benefits this switch will have. This will have the combined effect of demonstrating companies’ green credentials, as well as boosting employee enthusiasm for the transition.

The solution

Rising to the challenge are two UK challenger companies, FuturePlus and Diode, who through their novel partnership aim to simplify the switch to EVs. FuturePlus is an online sustainability tool that aims to transform the way organisations understand and action their sustainability goals, whilst Diode specialises in electric vehicle suitability assessments, charging infrastructure recommendations, and charge point procurement.

Working together, ‘FuturePlus powered by Diode’ will allow FuturePlus members and their employees to use the Diode platform to understand the environmental benefits of switching to EV and make that switch easier. With the 2030 ban fast approaching, the partnership aims to reduce the friction of conversion to EV in a cost-effective and practical way.

Traditionally it has been difficult for companies to build an accurate picture of their employees’ commutes, and therefore accurately assess their own charging-point infrastructure needs. Diode’s survey recognises this, and automatically collects journey data from all FuturePlus members signed up to the service. For the employer, the data is then aggregated to show how many charge points are required both at home and the workplace, and the overall potential CO2 reduction over a five-year transition timeline.

Each employee that drives is also given an informative EV readiness report. Helpfully, the report also provides a clear picture of what their personal reduction in CO2 would be if they were to make the switch.

Alex Smith, cofounder and partner of The Sustainability Group and FuturePlus, comments:

We are absolutely delighted to be teaming up with fellow tech startup Diode as we see this type of dynamic collaboration within sustainability as being key to driving the British economy and the green agenda forward.

FuturePlus members will immediately benefit from this partnership. For more information, click here.

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