The Big One: Moneybox raises £4M in opening day of crowdfunding 

They expected it to be big, but did they expect it to be this big? Moneybox, the investment service that invests users’ spare change, opened their latest crowdfund on 10th May, and hit their crowdfund target of £1M within a number of hours. At the time of writing, the crowdfund was close to £4M, with over 9000 investors. The crowdfund remains open for a further 7 days. 

Moneybox invests users' spare change in tracker funds, which track the performance of a market index such as the FTSE 100. Moneybox also has a range of socially conscious and ESG cognisant tracker options on offer, and have recently introduced ETF investment options. 

With over 850,000 users, assets under administration tripling to £3B since their 2020 crowdfund, and £95M to date, Moneybox is growing and growing. This most recent crowdfund will be used to grow their customer base, improve their investing proposition, and focus on new ways to support people with financial planning. 

Find out more about the crowdfund here

The Record Breaker: Impossibrew launch gold-level alcohol free beverage 

Impossibrew have done something no other alcohol-free beer has done: receive a London Beer Competition gold award. 

Impossibrew is designed for those moments when you want to unwind with a pint, but you don’t want to drink alcohol. It is brewed with Impossibrews’ Social Blend™, developed by a leading plant scientist using nootropics and peer-reviewer active ingredients. The aspired result is a buzz and relaxed calm akin to that felt after a couple drinks.  

Following a Dragons Den performance that catalysed £33K of online sales in an hour, Impossibrew have launched a crowdfund to expand production to meet demand. They have already met their target of £400K, raising £730K at the time of writing. You have 16 days left to invest in their campaign here

The Innovative One: Organic Heat Exchangers offer solution to energy storage woes

This year has seen the UK’s energy production, storage, and supply system seriously called into question. With a new iron curtain raised around Russia, cutting off supply of liquid natural gas, the so-called ‘bridging fuel’ between the hydrocarbon and renewable eras, the UK will need to consider new methods to stabilise energy production, import, and storage to protect against continued economic instability that is forcing millions of households into poverty. 

One solution comes in the form of Organic Heat Exchangers (O-Hx) whose patented EnergiVault aims to store & deliver thermal energy to reduce cooling costs & provide scalable energy storage.

EnergiVault is a thermal energy storage technology, without a competitor, that is hoping to play a crucial role in the UK’s new energy landscape. It has reached its £200K target, with 23 days left to invest. Find out more here.