The Stem are on a mission to bring plants to the people

The Stem is a garden retail brand on a mission to disrupt the £7.5B UK market by connecting customers to nature through a best-in-class experience. 

Founded by James Folger as a stressful investment banking career-antidote, The Stem wants to help others find peace in nature. The funding round’s £500K target has been met and The Stem are now in overfunding, with three days remaining to join the team on their aim of being one of the UK’s leading garden retail brands. 

Hoo want to change your relationship with hotels

Next up is hoo, who want to revolutionise the hotel booking experience by allowing customers and hotels to negotiate rates directly via their end-to-end platform. Hoo already has access to over one hundred thousand hotels and has a hotel content licence agreement with Google. 

Hoo allows travellers to offer their best price to hotels who are then empowered to accept or decline. Expected to value $830B by 2025, the online travel agent market is large and open to disruption. 

There are 30 days left to invest in the company who have a target of £1.6M

Fancy a low-alcoholic beverage? Let me introduce you to Small Beer Brew Co

The market for non and low alcoholic beverages has grown and grown over the past decade. Small Beer Brew Co are riding the coattails of this change in consumer preferences as the world’s first brewery dedicated to classic beer styles below 2.8%. 

Having won a World’s Best Beer award in 2021, Small Beer Brew Co have smashed their initial target of £300K amassing almost £700K in investment with 15 days left on the funding round. 

Baby-friendly plant-powered cleaning product company Nimble look to expand

Finally, Nimble is crowdfunding to expand their range of baby-friendly cleaning products powered by plants. Already in 900 shops across the UK and ROI, Nimble is an established name in the baby sterilisers market. However, they’re looking to push into more retail chains, enter European markets, and explore a new product category. 

The idea behind Nimble came to founder, Von Sy, when his sister remarked on how difficult it was to safely wash used baby bottles. Using his background at Unilever and as a chemist, Von has created a range of plant-based products that do not contain harsh or toxic chemicals, whilst still cleaning the receptacle effectively. 

The Nimble crowdfunding has gone into overfunding, yet you still have 5 days to become an investor.