News by Maddyness UK
23 February 2022
23 February 2022
Temps de lecture : 2 minutes
2 min

New report reveals the most effective strategies for boosting diversity in tech

An annual benchmarking report from 580 tech employers highlights how investment in D&I data systems, setting and measuring D&I targets, and gathering employee feedback are making a tangible difference to driving diversity and inclusion in the tech sector.
Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

The Tech Talent Charter (TTC), a UK non-profit driving diversity in tech, has published its annual Diversity in Tech 2021 report, benchmarking the activities and progress being made towards inclusion, equity, and diversity by its signatory companies. 

Signatories include Spotify, Deliveroo, General Dynamics, Very Group, and Marie Curie among others making commitments to inclusion and diversity in tech. Signatories to the charter increased by 151% last year.

For the first time, all signatories shared data on ethnic diversity in their tech roles, enabling TTC to reveal the most effective types of interventions that really help achieve an inclusive and diverse workforce.  

The report which was based on feedback from 580 signatories (an increase of 39% on last year), made up of a wide range of companies powering the UK’s digital economy, found the top strategies for promoting D&I in tech are investment in D&I data systems, setting up and measuring D&I targets, and gathering employee feedback. 

By gathering data, taking ownership for reaching diversity targets, and building awareness among employees to counter unconscious bias, companies reported they are seeing tangible progress in their D&I strategies. 

Tech Talent Charter annual Diversity in Tech report reveals the most effective strategies for boosting ethnic and gender diversity in the sector

Other key findings from the report include the increase in the number of reported tech roles held by women, increasing from 25% in 2020 to 27% in 2021. It also found that ethnic minority representation among TTC signatory organisations was 20% — higher than the UK tech workforce average (16%).  

The report also highlights the important role for SMEs in positively impacting the future tech talent pipeline, since these companies may be able to more easily implement new D&I practices than larger, more complex multinationals. Such progressive systemic changes feed into the market at scale later, as these trailblazing companies grow. SMEs may be seen as training grounds for developing tech talent and, if successful, encourage larger businesses to follow their lead. 

Signatories HP, Nominet, Global, Lloyds and PwC have confirmed they will be Principal Partners for 2022, meaning they provide thought-leadership and strategic collaboration as well as funding which allows the TTC to remain free of charge for all signatories. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport also provides funding. 

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Photo credit:
Unsplash © John Schaidler
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