Oh, so much depends on the strategies you use! We mean website design, content plan, marketing, and, of course, SEO. There are so many techniques that create combinations that work for certain types of businesses, blogs, etc. You have to find the perfect complex for your project.

We don’t know which strategy is the best for your particular website, but we know what to do to build a standard effective optimisation strategy. Let’s learn the basic steps to building a unique technique for you!

Research your keywords before using them

Keyword research allows you to find phrases that will work for your site the best. They don’t have to be too competitive because your website can be just lost in the multitude of others. They also shouldn’t be too general or rare.

Look for focus words and phrases as well as additional ones to optimise your content best.

Also, mind the placing. Your keywords should be in titles, URLs, throughout the text, in image file names and alt-tags, and in metadata. But there’s no need to spam everywhere with one keyword as it will be very obvious that you’re trying to manipulate search results.

Create valuable, linkable, interesting content

While standard pages explaining what your website is about are important, there has to be unique content that provides value and makes other relevant blogs and websites link to it, enriching your backlink profile.

Do research, gather statistics, create infographics, add photos (visit here for help), write skyscraper content, and the site will always be popular.

Of course, you should promote your content as well. ergonotes.com shows the latest trends and tricks of content marketing and SEO for those who need a nudge in the right direction.

Build links to key pages of the website

This is the basis of the off-site part of the optimisation. Harness safe link building to always have credible references to key pieces of content and your homepage. This should happen naturally when you write valuable pieces with the proper keywords. But helping things happen is also a good idea.

Getting effective backlinks from the USA easily using white-hat ways is possible. You can write guest posts for relevant blogs with the mention of your website. There’s also a technique where you look for broken links to other sites and contact the web source owner to negotiate to substitute that link with yours.

The possibilities are plenty!

Work on user experience of the website

User experience encompasses everything from the colours you choose for the design to the loading speed of the website. Here are the key things to optimise:

  • Mobile-friendliness.
    Check if your site is mobile-friendly and how convenient it is to browse it from one’s phone. You can use Google Mobile-Friendly Test and feedback from visitors. Over 50% of Internet users access it from their phones, which should give you an idea of the importance of this factor for SEO.
  • Loading speed.
    If a page takes over 3 seconds to load, it’s considered slow. Optimise the speed by getting a better server or changing/removing heavy objects from the page’s design. If it’s impossible, at least create a fun message that will help people wait for the page to load.
  • Customer support.
    If a potential customer has a question, you need to be there to answer it anytime. Invest in great customer support or, if you have a personal blog, reply to messages frequently. You can also create a chatbot for the times when you’re absent.
  • Automated help.
    Self-support is an amazing way to give visitors a feeling of accomplishment. Have automated hints on the site that help people navigate and find the info they need. Chatbots will also help with this, offering all the needed data in a handy chat window.

Get help from a specialist

This sounds easy for an expert. But if you’re new to SEO, even keyword research may seem a dreadful task. This is fine. There are many specialists that can help you with every step of the process.

Professional link-builders, on-site and off-site specialists, technical SEO pros are waiting to cooperate with you. Every website has a set of characteristics that help experts see what elements are the best for you and will work as soon as possible.

If you feel like the project needs a professional look at it, don’t hesitate to contact a company specialising in the optimisation of websites. There are lots of them in the modern world where every business strives to transfer online.