Done correctly, SEO is one of the most cost effective ways to increase the reach of a website. This can have a direct impact on engagement, custom and profit, common targets for every type of business.

How do I optimise my website?

There are key considerations to make when producing content for the web to ensure it is optimised. These include title, URL and description to create a higher click-through rate in the rankings; producing content that is highly likely to be shared far and wide; and keyword optimisation to help attract web users and search engines.

The latter point is especially important and can be achieved through a little research. Using keywords and other relevant words to the industry or topic all contributes to positive SEO. Making the entire team behind the content of a website aware of this list of keywords is a simple way to keep copy on-brand and SEO friendly.

In addition to the role content has to play, it is also crucial that a website creates a great user experience every time, with the site being simple to use, attractive, and having fast loading speeds for every page. No company wants to get a reputation for having a slow, hard to navigate site, so this is an essential area for investment.

Keeping track of progress is a simple way to see how new SEO tactics are having an impact. Using free analytics tools such as Google Analytics is a reliable way to evaluate the user experience, track organic leads and tweak an SEO strategy accordingly.

Recruiting professional SEO services

While adhering to the basic rules of SEO can be fairly simple with the right research, a more expert approach has the potential to take a website’s reach and success to new highs.

Investing in the support of UK SEO services can elevate the success of a site by creating a tailor-made and long-term strategy, which could include SEO auditing, page edits, new content publishing and net linking. While it can take around six months to see the measurable impact of such investment, the effects are long-lasting.

Using an outsourced SEO agency also takes the pressure off an in-house team having to formulate and track a strategy. While SEO has had incredible value since the creation of search engines, having a full-time member of staff dedicated to this is a huge investment and use of resources.

When choosing an SEO agency to work with, consider their portfolio to date and discuss what key improvements they think you could make from conducting a simple audit. The potential partner should be able to highlight areas of improvement and set out a roadmap for success for the website in question.

Maddyness UK is a media partner of SEO Agency Eskimoz