Bia Care has launched a virtual clinic to improve menopause care by combining technology with personalised treatments. The remote care solution ensures that women are provided with the knowledge needed to control their symptoms, access clinically validated treatment options, and are given the ability to share their experiences in a confidential setting.

The modern menopause clinic was only founded in 2020 by Fernanda Dobal and Dr David Huang, an NHS Clinical Entrepreneur and doctor, inspired by their visits to a South London menopause cafe.

When the pandemic stopped in-person gatherings, a virtual clinic was the clear next step for Bia Care. By providing remote menopause care, Bia Care’s online services mean women are less constrained by waiting lists for their local healthcare providers.

The founders were eager to continue to harness the power of group consultations, like those possible at the menopause cafe, alongside more personalised healthcare.

A personalised, yet collective platform

A joint observational study between Bia Care and Imperial College London of over 1,550 women aged 40-70 in the UK, show that only a third reported having the tools and understanding to manage their menopause. The clinic has now partnered with Imperial to ensure that any innovations in care delivery are backed by scientific investigation.

The platform is evidence-based and clinically led, delivering treatment options including hormone replacement therapy, nutrition advice, physiotherapy and emotional fitness.

CEO & Co-founder of Bia Care, Fernanda Dobal, said, “We founded Bia Care to help the increasing number of women who are no longer willing to suffer through menopause in silence. Remote care means that women aren’t subject to a geographic lottery and can access a specialist doctor in Oxfordshire and a dietitian in London, all from the comfort of their home over video call.”

“We also know that everyone experiences menopause differently, but is to a large degree a collective experience, and so we provide group consultations where people can come together and not just see a clinician, but also learn from each other and share what they’re going through.”

Strategic partnerships

The clinic was incubated by Zinc VC, the UK’s largest social impact accelerator as well as Kamet Ventures, the leading HealthTech Venture Builder. It is also backed by Atomico Angels.

Kamet’s existing expertise within the healthcare meant they were able to identify a significant market gap around menopause care, which Bia Care taps into.

“Menopause care has been an under-researched and under-financed market to date, despite the fact that half the population could benefit from improved treatments in this area,” said Michael Niddam, Managing Director of Kamet Ventures.

“In Bia Care we identified massive potential to address a market that is demanding better solutions. Bia’s virtual clinic improves the delivery of menopause care by providing it directly to the user and has the ability to scale to help thousands of women.”