Combing through resumes for hours on end is a job that no one wants. However, this job that no one wants is actually extremely crucial to business operations. You cannot have just anyone picking who is going to be in and around your business. The people in a business make or break its operation. Recruitment automation has managed to find a happy medium between all these different priorities and to streamline the process. In this piece, we are going to look at seven ways that automation has streamlined the recruitment process.

  1. The initial advert

The most obvious ways we can see that automation has revolutionised the recruitment process is through how the initial advert is placed. Job advertising is being done mostly on websites which specialise in recruitment processes, websites that advertise job openings, or on social media. Jessica Ridley, a recruiter at Write my Australia and Student writing services, commented, “Automation has sped up this initial attraction of candidates, and for the most part transitioned this process almost completely from personal touch.”

  1. Tracking your applicants

This is where things get a little trickier. The most common piece of technology for this step is called an ‘applicant tracking system’ or an ATS. This is one of the most popular and commonly used aspects of newly developed recruitment technology. This system collects, records, tracks, and stores applicant information in a single database. The equipment starts tracking as soon as an applicant applies and makes it easier for hiring managers to track their current applications during the whole of the hiring process. This is a massive godsend for saving time.

  1. Recruiting on social media

This is one of the hardest things for old school recruiters to adjust to completely. People spend an inordinate amount of time on social media, and it is the most common use of time for people who are looking for work. As Hunter Woodley, a business blogger and editor at Academ advisor and Write my essay, noted, “People look for jobs on LinkedIn (a professional form of social media) and even on the more informal social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. Even recruiters who do not advertise specifically on social media will still use it in their recruitment process.” The easiest way to screen someone early on and get an idea of who they are as a person is to check their social media profiles to see how they present themselves to the world.

  1. Pre-screening of candidates

Automated pre-screening tools can take some of the initial hassle of combing through dozens of different candidates, and help narrow down the field of people by simply putting in a few simply requirements and trying to find exactly what you want in a massive field of applicants.

  1. Assessments used in the recruitment process

Assessments are commonly used in the recruitment process to assess candidates for certain skills which will be required in the day-to-day role that they are being assessed for. For many industries, there are job skills that cannot be gauged simply from an interview or even an active work trial and these processes are great for gauging these skills in potential candidates. They can also tell you a lot about a person and their tendencies.

  1. The scheduling of interviews

Remember the days of having to phone people manually and book them in for interviews? Not anymore! Websites like Indeed now book people in for interviews immediately as soon as they pass your screening process, which saves this initial hassle. Although this is helpful, it can sometimes overwhelm your schedule with interviews, so watch this one!

  1. Nurturing your candidates

Throughout the hiring process, it is important that your potential employees feel that you do not see them as just a number. There are websites such as Indeed which will remind them of scheduled interviews or update on them on the progress of their application or certain assessments that you assign them during the process.

Elizabeth Hines is an online content marketer and blog writer at Academized review and Writing populist. She enjoys writing about new business and technology trends, especially marketing and recruitment. She also writes for other online platforms such as Resumetion.