Tools by Maddyness
24 April 2021
24 April 2021
Temps de lecture : 2 minutes
2 min

Crowdfunding now: what do you do with 129 billion face masks?

Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd, revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

Did you know that 129B single-use plastic face masks are being used every month at the moment?

It was Earth Day this week, and recycling social enterprise Waterhaul teamed up with Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust to do something about COVID-related plastic pollution. The plan is to use melted down masks to make new products – the first being a litter picker.

A Kickstarter has been launched to help fund the 'Retask the Mask' collaboration. Harry Dennis, CEO at Waterhaul, comments:

"We’re aiming to turn this problem into part of the solution."

"By working with the NHS Trust we can intercept this plastic at the source before it heads to landfill and create a useful product that will enable us to collectively tackle the masks which have already escaped into the environment."

Retask the Mask is crowdfunding
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With over a month to go, WeVee is making waves on Seedrs. The electric vehicle marketplace has raised £560K – 65% of its £850K target.

Touting itself as 'the UK's one-stop-shop to get an electric car', WeVee has made £830K of revenue since its launch – with around 800 electric cars ordered to date. On the platform, customers can browse, configure and lease an EV. WeVee is monetised via commission from its leasing partners.

WeVee is an electric car marketplace
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With around half of the UK workforce operating remotely in 2020, WorkClub is becoming the place to be. The workspace provider, which operates through a scalable B2B model, has over 5,000 subscribers and a network of 180 locations.

WorkClub's app lets members work in idle space – including commercial venues like hotels – within 15 minutes of where they are. It's currently crowdfunding on Crowdcube. The aim is to raise £300K – and at 90%, it's just shy of its target with a week left.

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© Retask the Mask
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