2021’s coolest UK female founders making huge impact in tech

The Office of National Statistics’ latest figures say that women now comprise 31% of the tech sector workforce. While this might seem like a positive — it’s a significant proportion of a male-dominated sector — progress has been slow. Indeed, since the ONS started collecting figures in 1997, there hasn’t been any progress at all. From a high point of nearly 35%, the proportion of women working in tech declined to a low point of 27% in 2010. The tech boom, it seems, was not accompanied by a boom in equal employment practices. Read the full article via UKTN. 

The gender gap in tech Is still a big problem: here's what you can do

In non-pandemic times, April brings workplaces flooded with kids who test out being employed adults for a day. They crunch numbers for accounting, write newspaper stories, and try out coding. Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day has been a tradition for so long that some adults who bring their kids to the office once did the same with their parents. But the annual event started as Take Our Daughters to Work Day, and the reasons why it was created as such still exist. Read the full article via PC Mag. 

Pandemic-driven digital transformation opens door for more women in tech

Miribel Tran is a product manager for Disney Streaming Services, that entertainment empire’s business unit darling for its performance during the pandemic. Disney’s accelerated shift towards digital experiences and transformation because of the Covid-19 outbreak is one being mirrored by many more companies in many other industries. For Tran, this broad business move signals a need for more and new types of talent, creating a unique once-in-a-generation opportunity to recruit more women into the field of technology. Read the full article via Forbes.

Racial, gender diversity in tech improving at a glacial pace

Anyone who has been to a tech conference has seen the imbalance of men vs. women and the disproportionate percentage of white IT pros compared with minorities. It's been that way for decades, and the balance hasn't shifted much. When protests against racial discrimination became more widespread in 2020, many big tech companies were forced to come to terms with the imbalances and pledged to look inward and make big changes. Read the full article via TechTarget.

Meet the female forces in tech and ecommerce

Jeff Bezos. Mark Zuckerberg. Steve Jobs. Elon Musk. The world’s technology and ecommerce juggernauts have long been dominated by men synonymous with disruptive innovation, unimaginable wealth and global influence. This is reflective of male dominance in top-level roles in the tech, digital and ecommerce sectors around the world: a recent survey by professional services firm PWC revealed that only 3% of leadership positions are held by women. It also found that just 3% of female A-level and university students would consider a career in digital technology, compared with 61% of their male counterparts. Read the full article via Drapers.