It’s not something you’ll hear too often, but your smartphone could hold the key to supporting your mental health. While apps to boost your mental wellbeing are nothing new, using such technology to keep a record of how you’re feeling is less mainstream. When you consider research by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which found rates of depression have doubled during the coronavirus pandemic, it’s never been more important.

So, what can you expect from these apps? From digital anxiety journals to sleep courses, here is the Maddyness rundown of the best mental health management tools in your app store.

Worry Watch

As an app that operates under the mantra ‘Record, Reflect, Reason & Refute,’ Worry Watch offers something unique to the mental health app market. The tool asks users to use its anxiety tracker to note what is bothering them and set a reminder to revisit the thought later. Once the initial worry has passed, you can analyse this concern with the help of the statistics dashboard and consider whether it was as bad or likely as previously thought.

The anxiety journal and positive affirmations features are added bonuses in the quest to help its users understand their feelings.


As an app created for those with depression by founders with depression, Moodily knows a thing or two about how to support its users. This app is simple, yet effective. Simply fill out what you’ve been up to and how each activity made you feel, and use the diary to reflect on the highs and lows at a later date. Even better? It’s completely free.


Unmind is a workplace mental health platform that encourages employees to measure, understand and improve their mental wellbeing. The app features bite-sized interactive courses created by experts to improve sleep, reduce stress, manage anxiety and so on. As an added bonus, there are also mental and physical exercises to help boost everyday wellbeing, such as mindfulness meditations, yoga and healthy recipes. When users see a colleague do something praiseworthy, they can celebrate by sharing 'Praise' – and who doesn’t like a virtual pat on the back?


As a wellbeing app that features trackers for mental health, sleep and activity, Wellspace encourages users to record their mood and attribute triggers for those feelings. This allows you to identify patterns and take proactive steps towards improving your mental wellbeing. There is also The Hub, which features advice on topics like coronavirus, nutrition and financial wellbeing.

While these apps provide a great addition to your mental health management toolkit, there is no replacement for seeking professional help for those really in need. Speak to your GP or check out Mind for guidance on finding the right support for you.