Why US election might have conjured the dream scenario for Big Tech

Joe Biden had been the candidate many [in the tech world] were hoping would emerge victorious. In San Francisco, home of Silicon Valley, the former vice president carried 86pc of the vote... But, it appeared the outcome may be better than even they could have imagined. What could be on the cards is a Biden presidency - but without the power to scale back Big Tech’s growing influence. Read the full article via The Telegraph

'The risks are now off the table': Wall Street looks forward to Biden presidency

Joe Biden will become the first president since George HW Bush to enter office without control of both the House and Senate – an outcome that indicates at least two years of legislative gridlock. It’s a scenario Wall Street appears to love. Find out why via The Guardian

Here's how President-elect Joe Biden's corporate tax plan will impact big businesses

US companies might pay more in federal taxes under a projected Joe Biden presidency. Biden's proposed tax plan could raise federal revenues by $2.4T in the next decade. Read the full article via Business Insider

What will a Biden presidency mean for the UK tech sector?

A Biden presidency will largely be met with positivity by the global tech sector. His approach to digital policy seems much more actively geared towards partnering with private industry and other governments to set the technology agenda. Read the full article via Business Leader.

What's ahead under President Joe Biden, industry by industry

Here’s a breakdown of how a Biden presidency may affect some two dozen US industries and what might rise to the top of his agenda as he takes over from Donald Trump in January. Read the full article via Economic Times