News by Maddyness
24 October 2020
24 October 2020
Temps de lecture : 3 minutes
3 min

Crowdfunding now: bespoke vitamins, responsible journalism & a charitable browser plug-in

Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd, revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

Personalised Co takes issue with the 'one size fits all approach' pursued by Big Pharma, and is shaking up the health and wellness market as a result. Set up in 2018 to provide an easy solution to widespread vitamin and mineral deficiency in UK adults, Personalised Co uses an algorithm to help users find out the right nutrient combo for them.

Prospective customers complete an online quiz, which interrogates diet, lifestyle and physical and mental health goals, before being recommended - in line with knowledge from in-house nutritionists - specific supplements. Personalised Co also offers bespoke protein powder.

This year, Personalised Co enjoyed its busiest period yet, delivering personalised goods to 1,500 households in one month. Its £250K crowdfunding campaign on Seedrs is just over halfway funded with several weeks left to go. The team say that this latest investment will allow the business to increase daily order capacity to over 3,600 and increase their value to customers' everyday lives, by launching new initiatives such as the Personalised app. 

Cofounder Sam Zappi says,

“This latest funding round marks an important step in levelling up our operations and significantly expanding our categories to include products such as CBD, Collagen and Nootropics. People everywhere are eager for better nutrition and to be confident they’re making the right choice - and at PersonalisedCo we’re eager to give it to them."

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Independent media outlet Solomon promises on-the-ground, investigative reporting from Athens on the topic of refugees and migration. It creates content in English and Greek and aims to write stories with refugees in local camps - who are also given media training - rather than about them.

The platform is crowdfunding on Kickstarter with a target of £10K, offering a membership model whereby readers can support collaborative journalism directly. "We challenge stereotypical perceptions on migration and refugees by giving a broad, inclusive, and more accurate representation of the issues that influence our shared lives," reads the Kickstarter bid.

Solomon's offering includes a multimedia magazine and an education hub. Many of the refugee students educated in investigative theory and practice have gone on to create their own documentaries and reported alongside Solomon's staff journalists.

Until now, Solomon’s funding has come almost exclusively from grants by private philanthropic foundations from Engaged Journalism Accelerator to Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, but it hopes to rely on this recently launched membership model going forward.

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You've only got 4 days left to contribute to Kindred's most recent Crowdcube funding round, which builds on a previous £2M and will be used to scale operations.

The social enterprise works with 25,000 brands - from to Adidas - and 25,000 charities. It allows you to shop online, get discounts at said brands and donate a percentage of the cash you save to said charities.

This is super important right now as charities are predicting a 48% drop in donations due to COVID, as people tighten their purse strings. Kindred offers a way to keep donating to those in need, pretty much for free!

All online shoppers (75% of us, apparently) need to do is download the browser extension and they're good to go.

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Photo credit:
Unsplash © Michele Blackwell
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