The partnership comes with the aim of opening up the health insurance market to employers that want to increase the affordable, health-related benefits available to their staff. This is the case particularly given the current coronavirus pandemic, and the strain it has placed on the country’s National Health Service.

Howden Employee Benefits & Wellbeing’s Executive Director Cheryl Brennan commented the following on the matter: "The COVID-19 crisis has shone the spotlight on our national health and wellbeing. Employers and employees alike recognise the value of healthcare benefits. Being able to have quick and cost-effective access to diagnosis and treatment has risen up many businesses' agenda.”

Health insurance has become popular amongst employee incentives recently, a study conducted by Equipsme showing that since the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, the interest in private health insurance and treatment has doubled. 58% of employees view health insurance as a valuable benefit – a considerably large percentage when compared with the 25% valuing gym memberships, or the 36% valuing company phones.

What does the Equipsme Plan offer?

Equipsme Business Health Insurance can cover a wide range of different services, including access to a private GP service 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week, physiotherapy, delivery of private prescriptions, AXA PPP healthcare’s nurse helpline and more.

For an additional £1.50 (per employee per month), users can also access support for stress, provided by professional counsellors.

Employees also have the opportunity to upgrade the level of cover they have, of which can include both diagnostics and treatment. Family members can also get cover, so long as they pay for this separately through a direct debit of their own.

The prices for this plan apply to a wide age range, starting from 16 to 69 years old. The same prices will also apply whether you’re a new customer or an existing one.

Brennan has furthered her comments, stating: “We have seen clients that previously limited private healthcare cover to senior management or key employees within their organisation want to extend it more widely across their workforce. For some employers, cost has previously been the main barrier to making this benefit widely available, but our partnership with Equipsme means that they now have a cost-effective option.”

“Our partnership with Equipsme means that valuable healthcare cover is now more accessible than ever before. It offers flexibility and practical health support from day one, with access to professional advice around the clock. It also meets the growing demand from employees who want to spend some of the money they have saved from commuting and holidays into access to healthcare support.''

Equipsme founder Matthew Reed has also commented on the partnership, stating: “Businesses are emerging from lockdown and asking what they can offer - sustainably - to reward and support their staff with maximum impact. We are delighted that Howden Employee Benefits & Wellbeing see the opportunity to help more businesses around the country to deliver a hugely valued benefit to all their team.”