Trap #1: Don’t spend money you don’t have

Trap #2: Don’t spend all the money you DO have

Trap #3: Don’t build everything at once

Trap #4: Don’t look for a provider, look for a partner

Trap #5: Don’t go into the selection process uneducated

  • How security, privacy, and backups work.

Trap #6: Don’t pay by the hour

Trap #7: Protect yourself

This article was originally published on Medium by Joe Procopio

Joe Procopio is a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. He is currently the Chief Product Officer at Spiffy, on-demand vehicle care and maintenance startup. In 2015, he sold Automated Insights to Vista Equity Partners. In 2013, he sold ExitEvent to Capitol Broadcasting. Before that, he built Intrepid Media, the first social network for writers. You can read more and sign up for his newsletter at