Experts in funding early-stage tech startups, VCs Breega and Connect Ventures have joined with 28 other UK VCs to provide free and confidential advice to startups looking for help on coping with challenges arising from the COVID-19 crisis. This plan comes at a time where entrepreneurs and business may require more guidance on how to navigate aspects of their business and determine a strategic roadmap for the remainder of 2020.

How does it work? Following the model set up by Breega’s Paris office last month, the “VC HOURS” scheme consists of 30-minute one-to-one consultations that can be booked online. The consultations can take place either via video or over the phone and are open to any startup founder wanting to discuss business challenges with a VC. "VC Hours" advisors will be able to offer founders advice on adapting their business models, raising and pitching during the crisis, controlling cash flow and HR issues.

In the spirit of transparency and to ensure free and open discussion, all information exchanged during the sessions will remain strictly confidential.

?Book your consultation here.