Decoding by Tali Ramsey
4 February 2020
4 February 2020
Temps de lecture : 3 minutes
3 min

UK startups taking on the climate catastrophe

The current climate catastrophe is arguably one of the largest and scariest issues facing modern society. With an increasingly warming world, natural disasters on the rise and only 12 years to limit the catastrophe, we are running out of time to extend the natural living conditions that we enjoy and the world as we know it today. As startups are on the rise, some entrepreneurs are creating products and business plans that are designed to tackle climate catastrophe.
Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

MacRebur are on a mission to stop plastic waste and improve the quality of roads  throughout the UK and eventually Europe and the rest of the world. They’ve found a link between the two through processing plastic waste by adding it into asphalt for road construction and surfacing instead of it ending up in landfill.

Discover MacRebur

CupClub was born from the statistic that “over 14 million disposable cups are being used in the UK on a daily basis, with only 1% being successfully recycled.” Using this information, the company provides reusable plastic cups to cafes and restaurants. When customers finish their drinks, they can take them to collection points where they are then taken to be washed and distributed back to venues opposed to being thrown away.

Discover CupClub

Based in Manchester, Upside Energy aims to reduce greenhouse gases. They have created a system that uses the Internet of Things (IoT) to connect devices across businesses and homes using electricity, reducing pressure on the grid to reach the country’s electricity demands.

Discover Upside Energy

Grow Bristol is an urban farming company that grows food in the city of Bristol for its residents. They aim to produce fresh and sustainable food and eventually creat a healthier and more sustainable city.

Discover Grow Bristol

Propelled by the UN prediction that by 2030 the world is projected to face a 40% global water deficit, Kelda Technology has invented a more sustainable way to shower. Their clever shower system uses half the water and heating of a standard shower.

Discover Kelda Technology

Pavegen uses footsteps to create power. Through their flooring technology, the weight from people’s footsteps produces off-grid power and data. The Cambridge-based company has implemented the system in areas with high pedestrian traffic across the country.

Discover Pavegen

Triodos Bank is a sustainable and independent bank that makes a point of only lending to organisations and companies that make a positive difference to society, whether it be environmentally, socially or culturally. They even publish the details of every organisation that they finance on their website.

Discover Triodos Bank

Polysolar develop and install photovoltaic glazing solutions which convert light into electricity in a bid to reduce the nation’s carbon footprint. Installations have been used in Gloucester Shire Hall and Future Business Centre in Cambridge.

Discover Polysolar

In a nation of avid coffee consumers, Bio-Bean provide a solution to the amount of coffee waste we produce. The company uses waste coffee grounds and recycles them into biofuels and biomass pellets. They eventually aim to recycle the grounds into biochemical products.

Discover Bio-Bean

Moving Mountains is tackling the climate change caused by the meat industry by creating tasty plant-based meat alternatives. Products include a burger, a hot dog and a slider and can be found at universities across the country including the University of Birmingham, the University of Southampton and the University of Manchester.

Discover Moving Mountains

Fashion is an industry that is terribly guilty of wreaking havoc on the planet. Compare Ethics are an online fashion marketplace that only stock and sell verified ethical brands. The company also hosts popup stores and aims to link consumers with ethical and environmentally-friendly clothing brands.

Discover Compare Ethics
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