Le Camping is pleased to invite you to the Founder's Party #3, to link up CEO & CTO or developers !
7 - 7.15 pm: Founder's party opening
Introduction by Le Camping
7.15 pm: Time to pitch !
1 minute pitch for each participant
8 pm - 9.30 pm: Speed dating + Cocktails party !
Meet and discuss with your potential partners
+ Le Camping rewards the BEST PITCH
Message to the CEO : Send your picture + pitch
Message to the CTO : Send your picture + skills (ex : #Ruby #Android ..)
Where ? Le Camping, Palais Brongniart, 28 place de la Bourse
Envie de nous envoyer une info' ? Un témoignage ou une idée ? Anonymement, ou non, nous avons hâte de vous lire