Candidacies will be accepted between February 15th, 2019 and April 15th 2019.
The first-place winner will receive a cash prize of $10,000 and $ 5000 for the second place.
Both the first-place and second-place winner will receive one round trip ticket in Premium Class from Air France, a coaching from CCE (Conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de France) Dreamstart following their successful 1234 formula; fully furnished office space in New York City for six months provided by Corporate Suites: a one year membership at French Founders and high impact media appearance and media coverage opportunities.
Envie de nous envoyer une info' ? Un témoignage ou une idée ? Anonymement, ou non, nous avons hâte de vous lire
Envie de nous envoyer une info' ? Un témoignage ou une idée ? Anonymement, ou non, nous avons hâte de vous lire