Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles qui ont retenu l’attention de la rédaction. Cette semaine : la cnil lance un cycle de débats publics sur les algorithmes, comment gagner de l'argent réel avec du virtuel, et les Français vulnérables aux cyberattaques.

La Cnil ouvre un débat sur le pouvoir des algorithmes

cnil algorithmes

Ces formules mathématiques sont au cœur du succès de Netflix, Facebook ou Google. L'autorité en charge du respect de la vie privée lance un cycle de débats publics sur ce thème, en présence de personnalités du numérique.

Source : Le Figaro

How to Make Real Money From Virtual Things

make money

Just a decade ago, few would have guessed that virtual goods could create a real market. Then the smartphone age sparked a whole new universe of ephemeral, yet lucrative, commerce. "People have gotten much more comfortable with the idea of paying for things that are virtual," says Joost van Dreunen, the co-founder and CEO of SuperData, a gaming research firm. For startups in this fast-growing market, the goods may be fake, but the sales are real.

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Une entreprise française sur deux vulnérable aux cyberattaques


52% des responsables sécurité des systèmes d'information d'entreprises françaises se disent confiant dans la capacité de leur entreprise à faire face aux cyberrisques. 46% d'entre eux ont constaté une hausse de cyberattaques en 2016.

Source : La Tribune

The Lessons That Cows, Yes, Cows, Can Teach Entrepreneurs About Adapting to Change

cows entrepreneur

Today’s young professionals may not think they have much in common with someone like me -- a third-generation dairy farmer. But those young professionals would be wrong. Our farm businesses require caring for 300 cows, managing a retail farm-stand and bakery and marketing biodegradable pots manufactured from cow manure. Yes, you heard that right: manure.

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What happens when self-driving cars displace 300 million jobs

voitures connectees

In 20 years, over 300 million people worldwide might lose their jobs because of self-driving cars. Regular users will hardly notice the change — and here’s why.

Consumption models will stay roughly the same. If you used taxi services, you’ll start paying for autonomous taxis. If you owned a car, you’ll still be able to buy one, but won’t have to drive it yourself (and most likely will save on taxes). Both ways, self-driving cars make transportation safer, more convenient, and more cost-efficient for users. Eventually, they will be as common as a smartphone or email.

Source : Venture Beat