Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles qui ont retenu l’attention de la rédaction. À l’honneur cette semaine : Ford investit 182 millions dans la voiture autonome, Apple investit dans le service chinois de covoiturage Didi, Uber partenaire de la marque de moto Wicked Ride.

Ford investit 182 millions de dollars dans la voiture autonome


Le constructeur automobile va ouvrir des laboratoires de recherche communs avec ceux de l'éditeur de logiciels, Pivotal, dont il vient de contribuer à financer le développement.

Source : BFM Business

Is the Tech Bubble Popping? Ping Pong Offers an Answer


Sales of tables rise and fall with the startups that love them. Twitter’s gloomy quarterly report last week unsettled investors. They might have anticipated trouble more than a year ago had they noticed one key indicator. Until late 2014, Twitter was regularly ordering ping-pong tables from Billiard Wholesale, a store in San Jose, Calif. Then, suddenly, it wasn’t. The store’s owner, Simon Ng, figured it either ran out of space “or they’re having company problems.”

Source : The Wall Street Journal

Apple invests $1B in Chinese ride-sharing service Didi Chuxing


Apple has invested $1 billion in China’s ride-sharing service Didi Chuxing. The move will help Apple better understand the important Chinese market, according to a Reuters interview with Apple chief executive Tim Cook.

Source : Venture Beat

Uber Partners With Wicked Ride To Offer Test Ride uberWICKED


Uber has partnered with Wicked Ride, a motorcycle rentals company and will offer a test ride tomorrow (14th May) between 12PM – 4PM . The users can have a test ride by sliding over to the uberWICKED view. Each test ride will last for 15mins and not more.

Source : Next Big What