Chaque semaine, Maddyness reprend dans sa revue de presse l’actualité startups qui a retenu l’attention de la rédaction dans les médias. 

What Startup Accelerators Really Do


The well-advertised boom in startups and venture capital in recent years has coincided with the emergence of new players in startup ecosystems. One of these, startup accelerators, has received a great deal of attention but also little scrutiny. Moreover, they are commonly misunderstood or mistakenly lumped in with other institutions supporting early-stage startups, such as incubators, angel investors, and early-stage venture capitalists.

Source : Harvard Business Review

La France a un rapport «presque névrotique» au capital, estime Macron


Lors de son passage à la Fondation France-Israël, le ministre de l'Economie a fait un plaidoyer en faveur d'une réforme fiscale plus avantageuse pour les investisseurs. Il appelle aussi les Français à la prise de risque pour bâtir «un pays plus heureux».

Source : Le Figaro


Alisée de Tonnac est la directrice générale de Seedstars Word qui organise, le 3 mars à Lausanne, une compétition mondiale de start-up de pays émergents. Seize pays africains sont représentés.

Source : Le Monde

Uber Launches Bike Service In Bangalore

uber-moto Uber has announced the pilot launch of its new service–uberMOTO in Bangalore. UberMOTO is a motorbike service to help people save time and money on short trips across town and provides last mile connectivity. The uberMOTO option on the app will go live today and will work the same way as the other options – uberGO, uberX and uberBLACK, available on the platform. Source : Nextbigwhat

Twitter, AT&T, and other tech giants file legal briefs in support of Apple


Today saw the deadline for amicus briefs in the heated iPhone security trial, and dozens of companies took the opportunity to file in support of Apple. Twitter, Reddit, Github, Ebay, and CloudFlare submitted a brief with 12 other startup companies, emphasizing the values of privacy and transparency in online services.

Source : The Verge

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