22 juillet 2022
22 juillet 2022
Temps de lecture : 1 minute
1 min

Le studio à l'origine du jeu Minecraft refuse d'inclure des NFTs dans son jeu

Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles sur un sujet qui a retenu l’attention de la rédaction. Cette semaine, un nouveau studio de jeu video refuse les NFTs.
Temps de lecture : 1 minute

Pas de NFT dans Minecraft


While some industries are still sussing out their opinions on NFTs, the video game community is making it clear: NFTs stand for "No F'n Thanks" in their industry.

The latest company to take a stand against non-fungible tokens: Mojang Studios, the developer of the massively popular video game, Minecraft.

In a statement put out today on the official Minecraft website, titled simply "Minecraft and NFTs" , the company made it crystal clear that it would not permit any sort of blockchain or NFT integration with its game. Lire l'article complet sur le site de Mashable

Les règles du jeu

La conséquence

Under the new rules, third-party blockchain technologies cannot be integrated with client and server applications within Minecraft. Nor may they be utilized to create NFTs associated with any in-game content, including worlds, skins, persona items or other mods.

Although the changes do not affect most Minecraft gamers, it is likely to have significant consequences for a small subset of gamers who are also profiting from in-game NFTs. Third-party for-sale NFT collections digitizing Minecraft in-game assets may therefore be in violation of such terms and could potentially face legal consequences. Lire l'article complet sur le site du Cointelegraph

Les NFTs, un facteur de division


"To ensure that Minecraft players have a safe and inclusive experience, blockchain technologies are not permitted to be integrated inside our client and server applications, nor may Minecraft in-game content such as worlds, skins, persona items, or other mods, be utilized by blockchain technology to create a scarce digital asset" , Mojang said.

Mojang argues these practices encourage digital scarcity and exclusion, which goes against the values of Minecraft. "NFTs are not inclusive of all our community and create a scenario of the haves and the have-nots" , the studio said. Mojang goes even further by saying that the speculative nature of NFTs "encourages profiteering"Lire l'article complet sur le site de The Verge

Les NFTs ont la cote

Le contexte

According to a recent study, more than $2.2 billion was raised by private blockchain and NFT gaming companies in the first half of 2022, reflecting a wave of interest among video game industry investors.

On Wednesday, Lee Trink, CEO of the gaming and esports lifestyle brand FaZe Clan, spoke glowingly about positioning the newly public company to pursue opportunities relating to blockchain tech. Lire l'article complet sur le site du Washington Post

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Crédit : Alvaro Reyes