14 janvier 2022
14 janvier 2022
Temps de lecture : 1 minute
1 min

Fin de service pour les téléphones BlackBerry

Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles sur un sujet qui a retenu l’attention de la rédaction. Cette semaine, Blackberry met fin à son système d'exploitation de téléphonie.
Temps de lecture : 1 minute

BlackBerry tourne une page


As of Tuesday (4/01), BlackBerry models that use the company's operating systems will go the way of the Commodore computer and the LaserDisc. So will their trademark trackballs and Tic Tac-sized letter keys. As part of an "end of life" decommissioning programme that was initially announced in 2020, BlackBerry said that as of January 4, 2022, it would no longer support the devices as the company completes its yearslong shift from making mobile phones to a software-based business model. Lire l'article complet sur The Times to India

Un symbole de réussite

Le succès 

BlackBerry's old school cell phones with physical keyboards from the late 1990s and early 2000s were once so popular people nicknamed them "CrackBerries." The keyboard appealed to professionals who wanted the flexibility of working outside the office with some of the tools they used on a desktop computer. The devices became a status symbol and fixture for people on Wall Street, celebrities like Kim Kardashian, and even former President Barack Obama, thanks in part to its great reputation for security. At its peak in 2012, BlackBerry had more than 80 million active users. Lire l'article complet sur le site de CNN

Les objets cultes détrônés


Makers of early digital organisers, GPS devices and video cameras have all been likewise gutted by rival gadgets that leapfrogged them. Wireless-speaker specialist Sonos, for one, has learned the lesson: It now embeds virtual-assistant technology from Amazon.com. And TV streaming hardware outfit Roku has moved into content. They have their work cut out to stay in front.

BlackBerry's lesson is that, when cult gadgets start losing their edge, it's hard to pull out of the descent. Lire l'article complet sur le site d'Abc net

La 5G pourrait-elle faire renaître BlackBerry de ses cendres ?


Blackberry n’est pas mort, enfin pas tout à fait. Dans un communiqué partagé le 6 janvier dernier, le groupe américain OnwardMobility, qui développe sous licence un nouveau smartphone BlackBerry 5G sécurisé, voué aux professionnels et aux entreprises, a assuré que cet appareil était toujours dans les cartons. Ce nouveau smartphone, qui pourrait être le dernier de BlackBerry au regard de sa gestation difficile, devrait bel et bien se concrétiser en 2022. Lire l'article complet sur Frandroid

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