17 décembre 2021
17 décembre 2021
Temps de lecture : 1 minute
1 min

Upside Foods en procès contre un employé pour vol de fichiers

Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles sur un sujet qui a retenu l’attention de la rédaction. Cette semaine, le procès d'Upside Foods contre un de ses anciens employés pour vol de fichiers.
Temps de lecture : 1 minute

Des photocopies qui pourraient coûter cher


A former employee of Upside Foods is being sued over charges that she illegally downloaded sensitive information about the company’s process for growing meat from cells. Upside Foods filed suit against Napat Tandikul, a senior research associate who quit the company in April. The day before she left, she downloaded thousands of pages of internal documents, including the design for the bioreactor that actually cultivates the meat cells, the lawsuit charges. Lire l'article complet sur le site de Food Processing. 

Une communication déroutante

Le contexte 

On April 2, employees of Upside Foods, a leading cell-cultured meat startup, received a strange companywide email. It included a digital “watermark”—a security measure that would tell the company exactly when and by whom it had been read. The message was a surprise: Nicholas Genovese, an Upside executive who was one of its three original co-founders, was no longer with the company. No reason was given for the abrupt departure. Lire l'article complet sur le site de the Counter. 

La recette d'une steak de laboratoire

Le fonctionnement 

But how does the behind-the-scenes technology work? The team basically harvests cells from live animals in bioreactors and bathes them in nutrients that help grow them to actual meal sizes. “We feed the cell a range of nutrients (amino acids, sugars, trace minerals, and vitamins) normally found in food and compositionally similar to what develops organically in animal body, just in a different format,” explains Upside Foods. The initial cells are obtained through “a variety of methods,” the site says, including “biopsies from living animals, eggs, fishing, and recently slaughtered animals who were already a part of the food system.” Lire l'article complet sur le site d'Interesting Engineering. 

Une solution pour produire à moindre coût

Le sésame 

Before he left, Genovese was the manager of a small but seemingly critical group within Upside. Named Blue Sky—the team’s maxim was “The sky’s the limit”—the three-person skunkworks was responsible for a crucial task: developing a process that could grow cell-based meat with a greater yield and at lower cost than the company’s existing technology. According to legal documents, Blue Sky’s work was going well. “There was so much potential, and we were making incredible progress,” says Genovese. Lire l'article complet sur le site de the Wired. 

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Crédit : upside foods