écrit le 10 septembre 2021, MÀJ le 25 mai 2023
10 septembre 2021
Temps de lecture : 1 minute
1 min

Les salariés d'Amazon en Californie, bientôt mieux protégés ?

Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles sur un sujet qui a retenu l’attention de la rédaction. Cette semaine, une loi californienne qui s'attaque aux conditions de travail chez Amazon.
Temps de lecture : 1 minute

Recadrer les conditions de travail chez Amazon


California's Assembly Bill 701 asserts that productivity demands cannot come at the expense of health and safety, for example by pushing workers to skirt safety techniques or skip rest breaks they're entitled to. If that happens, the bill would give current and former workers more legal pathways to appeal them. The bill's second key theme is transparency, giving workers, their representatives and government officials more access to detailed records of quotas and workers' actual rates. Lire l'article complet sur NPR

Un taux d'employés blessés (trop) important

La cause

Data from the state’s occupational safety regulator, Cal/OSHA, indicates that 6.2 out of every 100 warehouse workers in the state were injured in 2019, a rate on par with that for livestock handlers.

In 2020, the number of workers injured on the job at Amazon warehouses was more than double that, according to a Los Angeles County Federation of Labor-sponsored report. It found 13.11 workers were injured per every 100 individuals, compared to 4 out of every 100 at non-Amazon warehouses. Lire l'article complet dans Bloomberg Law. 

Amazon dément pressuriser ses salariés

Le déni 

Amazon and Walmart declined to comment on the legislation or to answer questions on their respective injury rates.

Amazon spokeswoman Rachael Lighty wrote in an email: "Like most companies, we have performance expectations for every employee, and we measure actual performance."

Amazon offers coaching to workers who don’t meet targets, she said. "The truth is, terminations for performance issues are rare — less than 1%. The health and safety of our employees is our No. 1 priority."  Lire l'article complet sur le Los Angeles Times. 

Plusieurs entreprises vent debout contre la mesure

La colère 

The legislation has drawn intense opposition from business groups, which argue that it would lead to an explosion of costly litigation and that it punishes a whole industry for the perceived excesses of a single employer.

“They’re going after one company, but at the same time they’re pulling everyone else in the supply chain under this umbrella,” said Rachel Michelin, the president of the California Retailers Association, on whose board Amazon sits. Lire l'article complet sur le New York Times. 

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Crédit : Piotr Cichosz