Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles qui ont retenu l’attention de la rédaction.

Plongée dans l'univers des "ouvriers du numérique"

Chaque jour, partout dans le monde, des millions de petites mains cliquent, «likent», commentent et réalisent sur Internet des tâches répétitives, peu qualifiées et chronophages pour le compte des entreprises, qu'aucune intelligence artificielle n'est en mesure de réaliser. On estime aujourd'hui qu'entre 45 et 90 millions de personnes dans le monde sont des «ouvriers du clic» réguliers, c'est-à-dire une main-d'œuvre invisible et pourtant essentielle au fonctionnement de l'économie numérique. Lire la suite sur Le Figaro

Donald Trump

What Will Trump’s Executive Order Do to H-1B Visas?

On Tuesday at the tool company Snap-on’s headquarters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Donald Trump gave a speech and signed an executive order rolling out his “Buy American, Hire American” agenda. The most actionable thing he laid out on the “Hire American” side of the plan was about reforming the H-1B visa program, through which 85,000 applicants are selected annually out of a pool of hundreds of thousands to gain the right to live and work in the U.S. for up to six years. Twenty thousand of these visas are reserved for applicants with a master’s degree or higher. Lire la suite sur The Atlantic


From Prototype to Production: 3 Things You Need To Know

It’s no secret that creating new hardware products is hard. From idea, to proof-of-concept, to functional prototype, to public launch, to production and ongoing support, every step of the way has its own pitfalls. Hardware development requires extended periods of research and development -- which, most importantly, calls for significant upfront investment to have the chance to experiment with something new and leave room for error. Lire la suite sur


'Collaboration' Creates Mediocrity, Not Excellence, According to Science

If you listen to management pundits, "collaboration" is all the rage. While the term is a bit fuzzy, what's usually meant by "collaboration" is 1) plenty of ad-hoc meetings and 2) open-plan offices that increase the likelihood that that such meetings take place. A recent study published in Applied Psychology has now confirmed that a collaborative work environment can make top performers -the innovators and hard-workers- feel miserable and socially isolated. Lire la suite sur


I Joined Airbnb at 52, and Here’s What I Learned About Age, Wisdom, and the Tech Industry

A growing number of people feel like an old carton of milk, with an expiration date stamped on their wrinkled foreheads. One paradox of our time is that Baby Boomers enjoy better health than ever, remain young and stay in the workplace longer, but feel less and less relevant. They worry, justifiably, that bosses or potential employers may see their age more as liability than asset. Especially in the tech industry. Lire la suite sur Harvard Business Review

Young caucasian girl is angry because she is lost in the crowd.

In 2017, only 17% of startups have a female founder

Crunchbase’s inaugural study on female founder representation of U.S.-based companies was published in May 2015. As the discussion on the lack of women in engineering teams gathered pace, we concluded that Crunchbase was uniquely placed to address the issue of women being represented in tech when it comes to founders. As the open data set for the startup community, we added gender to Crunchbase in March 2015 to further the research on leadership, founders and gender. Two years on, and with the expansion of the study to the global ecosystem, we revisit the same questions: What percent of companies have at least one female founder? Have those numbers shifted since 2009? How do female founder teams fare when raising seed, early and late-stage venture dollars? Lire la suite sur TechCrunch