Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles qui ont retenu l’attention de la rédaction. Cette semaine, zoom sur l'arrivée des bots dans les hôpitaux, le nouveau service UberCentral ou encore le succès de Kickstarter.

How the most connected hospitals will use chatbots


Sure, chatbots are useful for service industries like hospitality and food delivery, but in health care ? Some groups are testing the use of chatbots to retrieve medical information from within a messaging app. At first glance, that seems a bit impersonal, but a closer look reveals a wide range of use cases where bots could make your next visit to the hospital, doctor’s office, or pharmacy faster and more effective.

Source : Venture beat

The Kickstarter economy: 29,600 full-time jobs, $5.3 billion in activity


Palmer Luckey did not storm into Mark Zuckerberg's office to pitch the innovation that is now steering Facebook's future. First, he took to Kickstarter.

The crowdfunding tool helped him secure $2.4 million. He built a device and a company that would later attract Zuck's attention and $2 billion. Oculus now employs more than 400 people and is selling its first consumer virtual reality headset.

The story of Oculus is just one of the many success stories on Kickstarter. Not every project reaches a multibillion-dollar valuation, but they do each generate or lose funds.

Source : Mashable 

Internet ne rend pas plus bête, il rend «méta-ignorant»


Internet est un endroit tellement gigantesque qu’on en ignore la taille (certains spécialistes parlent d’un milliard de milliards d’octets). Tout ce que l’on sait, c’est qu’il regroupe l’essentiel des connaissances de l’humanité. Et pourtant, quand on voit la quantité de contenus plus ou moins bêtes qui s’y trouvent (une vidéo d’une femme portant un masque de Chewbacca peut récolter des millions de vues), on peut facilement se dire qu’internet est mal utilisé et qu’il nous rend tous les jours un peu plus bêtes.

Source : Slate

UberCentral lets businesses arrange Uber rides for their customers

Uber has launched a new service called UberCentral that lets business request door-to-door rides for their clients / customers. The people going in the backseat don't need an Uber account at all; they don't even need the app installed. Instead, this is meant to position Uber as an indispensable convenience for any number of business that frequently transport customers to and fro. And like the rapidly expanding UberEats, it's yet another offering built on top of Uber's core business.

Source : The Verge

What a Beer Startup Disrupting a $300 Billion Industry Can Teach You


Market disruption is becoming more and more common as companies become less and less afraid of taking on their big competitor brands. Successful brand-building can take years, but some startups are making such an impact that they are attaining success in less than half the usual time.

Source : Entrepreneur

Les dépenses numériques mondiales stables à 3412 milliards de dollars en 2016


Selon Gartner, les dépenses numériques mondiales devraient rester stables en 2016 à un peu plus de 3412 milliards de dollars. Mais cette projection ne tient pas compte du Brexit, dont l’impact se ressentira par une augmentation des prix et une baisse des ventes en Europe.

Source : Usine Digitale