Chaque vendredi, dans sa revue de presse, Maddyness vous propose une sélection d’articles qui ont retenu l’attention de la rédaction. Cette semaine, zoom sur le business caché du jeu Pokémon Go, sur Google encore accusé d'abus de position dominante, et sur les résultats de la publicité sur internet en France.

Tesla's Autopilot: Too Much Autonomy Too Soon


Following a series of crashes, one of which was fatal, Tesla Motors, the automaker known for its high-performance electric vehicles and envelope-pushing technology, is now under intense scrutiny for the way it deployed and marketed its Autopilot driving-assist system.

Source : Consumer Reports


How shops and restaurants are creatively cashing in on 'Pokémon Go'


It was a typically hot and humid July day near Orlando, Florida, when employees of Cocina 214, a Tex-Mex diner, noticed an unusual crowd of people engrossed in their smartphones next to a nearby fountain.

"I was like 'Why are all these people out here looking at the patio?'" restaurant manager Lambrine Macejewski said.

Turns out, that patio — like plenty of random spots sprinkled throughout the U.S. — is now a Pokéstop for Pokémon Go, the location-based mobile game that has skyrocketed to become one of the most popular gaming apps ever.

Source : Mashable

Top 7 Reasons You Should Make Mobile Marketing a Priority

marketing mobile

Mobile marketing is the "in" thing, and more and more companies are taking advantage. If your brand isn’t one of them, you need to get on the bandwagon soon -- or you'll be left far behind your competitors. Here are seven reasons why marketing managers and CMOs must make mobile marketing a priority.

Source : Entrepreneur

La publicité sur Internet dépasse la télévision mais ce ne sont pas les médias qui en profitent

pub internet

Le chiffre d'affaires publicitaire sur Internet continue de progresser, d'après les calculs de l'observatoire de l'e-pub du SRI réalisé par PWC en partenariat avec l'UDECAM. En forte progression, la publicité sur mobile, sur les réseaux sociaux, ou au format vidéo. Côté coulisses, le programmatique poursuit sa percée et représente 50% du display.

Source : Usine Digitale

Want to Game LinkedIn? Here's the Cheat Code


With a net worth of close to $5 billion, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman credits much of his entrepreneurial success to playing strategy games.

"Business is the systematic playing of games," he's fond of saying.

Hoffman even went so far as to name several conference rooms inside his building at LinkedIn after famous video games - Pac-Man, Tetris and Space Invaders.

Source : Inc.

Google under fire again from Europe’s antitrust regulator over AdSense, comparison shopping


After years of battles in Brussels and beyond, search giant Google has come under yet more fire from antitrust regulators in Europe concerned about the its dominance in online advertising. Today, the European Commission announced that it has sent further Statements of Objections to the company, accusing it of abusing its dominant position in search in areas like comparison shopping services and also by restricting the possibility of third party websites displaying search results from Google’s competitors, ads that would directly compete against Google’s own AdSense for Search product.

Source : TechCrunch